Kera Incident: Amazing Japanese Boys Who Captured a Small UFO in 1972 [Part 1]

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Source Junichi Yaoi (June 2006). Yaoi Junichi no UFO Taizen (Junichi Yaoi’s Complete UFO Collection), 254-256, Lyonsha.

This is a true story of nine Japanese boys who captured a small UFO about 50 years ago.

Introduction: The Truth About the Kera Incident

In the history of UFO incidents in Japan, the Kera Incident is considered one of the “two major UFO incidents in Japan,” along with the Kofu Incident (in which elementary school boys allegedly encountered “aliens” in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1975).

Because Japanese boys captured a small UFO, some people call the Kera Incident the “Japanese Roswell Incident,” after the world-famous Roswell UFO Incident that took place in the United States in 1947.

Since the occurrence of the Kera Incident in 1972, various UFO researchers have been examining this incident and many new findings and evidence have been presented, and nearly 50 years have passed.

So far, many people from various standpoints, including UFO affirmers, deniers, and skeptics, have been actively investigating and studying this mysterious incident.

Nevertheless, it seems that most of the information about the Kera Incident known outside of Japan today comes from a single source (that is, a group of UFO affirmers who claim that the Kera Incident is true).

However, to know the truth of the Incident, it would be desirable to disclose a variety of information based on multiple sources as much as possible, not just one.

This is because, as is often the case with this kind of information, UFO affirmers tend to present only the positive information in their favor and leave out the negative information without presenting it.

On the other hand, UFO deniers tend to present only the negative information in their favor and leave out the positive information without presenting it.

However, I believe that the best way to get to the bottom of the Kera Incident is to provide all the information, both positive and negative (even if they contradict each other), in its entirety, and then leave the conclusion to the reader’s judgment.

This is the main motivation for me to write this article.

Unfortunately, the Kera Incident took place about half a century ago, and no physical evidence has been left behind.

In addition, since many people were involved in this incident, there are some discrepancies in their accounts.

Therefore, in this article, I have organized the facts based on their accounts to be as consistent as possible (However, where there are discrepancies, I have indicated that there are multiple theories in the notes as appropriate).

I have also tried to reflect as much as possible on the latest research results published on the Kera Incident up to the year 2021.

Therefore, even those who already know about the Kera Incident will find that there is a lot of information in this article that is new to them.

So, this may perhaps be the first attempt to introduce the whole story of the Kera Incident in as much detail as possible outside Japan.

I hope this article will be helpful to those who are interested in the details of the Kera Incident.

Finally, to assure the accuracy of the information in this article, I have given a detailed list of references that I used in writing this article at the end of this article.

All of the references are written in Japanese, as the Kera Incident took place in Japan, but please refer to those references if you want to know more details.

Despite the vigorous efforts made so far, the truth of the Kera Incident is still shrouded in mystery, and as one of Japan’s unsolved UFO incidents, many Japanese people are still trying to find out the truth.

However, the boys involved in the incident are already over 60 years old, and it is certain that in a few more decades, all the people involved in the Kera Incident will eventually pass away, leaving the incident unsolved and the truth buried in the dark forever.

Therefore, I sincerely hope that with the information provided in this article, YOU will use your brains and reasoning skills to reveal the truth of the Kera Incident, which no one has been able to solve so far.

May 8, 2021


Maps of the Kera District Where a Small UFO Was Captured

Source Google Maps

Source Google Maps

Source Google Maps

Source Google Maps

A map showing small UFO sighting and capture sites in the Kera Incident created based on aerial photographs taken by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan in 1975.  Kochi City is to the west.

Source Geospatial Information Authority of Japan

The list*1 of nine Japanese boys who captured a small UFO in Kera.

Michio SEO

Yasuo MORI

Hiroshi MORI (Yasuo’s older brother)



Toshiaki KUZUOKA



Kiyomitsu OHARA

A photo of boys who captured a small UFO.  They were members of the volleyball club at Kera Middle School.

Source MU Magazine, April 2014 issue, 172-177, Gakken.

In Japan, there are many people with the same name who have the same spelling in the alphabet but different spelling in kanji.  From the viewpoint of privacy, I have purposely not used kanji characters for their names to prevent their identification.  

In addition, since all the boys involved in the Kera Incident are now over 60 years old, so it seems difficult to identify them from the photos of their youth at that time. Therefore, I have limited the photographs to those that have already been published in Japanese publications, and have included only photos of their boyhood.

I hope you will understand that I have made the above considerations to prioritize the protection of their privacy at the expense of the accuracy of the information.

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

Sherlock Holmes

The 1st Sighting

On August 25, 1972, Michio Seo, 8th grade (2nd year of Kera middle school), saw a strange object flying around in rice fields near the Yokohori Danchi (Yokohori complex) in Kera, Nagaoka-gun (present-day Kera, Kochi City), Kochi Prefecture, Japan.

Kera was once a village with a population of about 4,000 (according to the 1970 national tax survey) located southeast of Kochi City.

However, on February 1, 1972, the Kera village was abolished and incorporated into Kochi City.

The Yokohori complex is a residential complex that was built and started selling in about 1965 and is located in a quiet residential area called Kera Otsu on the north of the Kera River.

The Yokohori complex

On the east side of the Yokohori complex was the Kera Middle School, which Michio attended.

The Kera Middle School which the boys attended.

Source Google Maps

On the west side of the Yokohori complex, there was a vast expanse of rice fields, with a golf driving range in the middle of it.

Michio was on his way home from Kera Middle School.

*The above image is simulated for illustrative purposes only.

Michio witnessed the strange flying object in the evening when the sun was setting over the mountains beyond the wide rice fields, making it difficult to distinguish the surrounding landscape.

*The above image is simulated for illustrative purposes only.

At first, Michio thought it was a bat flying, but then he noticed that the object was flying strangely.

According to Michio, the object had a strange way of flying, instantly moving from one point to another in the space above the rice fields, as if it was teleporting.

It was also reported that elementary school children playing in the rice fields saw a mysterious orange glowing flying object crossing the fading sky of Kera at nightfall.

*The above image is simulated for illustrative purposes only.

Surprisingly, there were more than 20 people in total who witnessed this mysterious flying object at that time.

This was the first sighting of a UFO in Kera.

However, at that time, no one had expected that this would later develop into a major UFO incident that would shake the whole of Japan.

The 1st Contact

After returning home, Michio told his friend, Yasuo Mori, about the strange object he had witnessed.

Yasuo reported to his older brother, Hiroshi, about the strange story he had heard from Michio.

Intrigued by Michio’s story, the Mori brothers decided to go to the rice field with Michio and Kei Ojima, a friend of Hiroshi’s, to see the strange object.

It was around 7:00 p.m.

The rice field where Michio saw the strange object was located to the west of the Mori brothers’ house.

The rice field had almost no water and was overgrown with weeds several tens of centimeters (about one to two feet) high.

*The above image is simulated for illustrative purposes only.

A little after 8 p.m., Michio saw an object flying with flashing lights.

As the boys looked on, the object eventually landed in the rice field near a golf driving range 400 meters (about 440 yards) west of the Yokohori complex*2.

According to Tsutomu Seki’s book, “there is a golf driving range about 200 meters north of Yokohori Complex,” but this is a mistake. 

In fact, if you check the map of the time, it is clear that the golf driving range is not north of Yokohori Complex, but west of it. 

Thus, even if it is a primary source, it seems necessary to question whether the description is correct.

There was a tiller in the rice field, and the object had landed about 20 meters (about 22 yards) away from it.

Driven by curiosity, the boys approached it with trepidation.

The small object flickered in the darkness, emitting dim, silvery light.

In the light from Kei’s flashlight, Hiroshi approached a meter (about three feet) away from the object.

The moment Hiroshi reached out to touch the object, it suddenly glowed and turned a pale blue, so the four boys ran away at once.

*The above image is simulated for illustrative purposes only.

According to the boys, the object was emitting blue light at intervals of two or three seconds.

About 30 minutes later, they came back to the scene, but the object was already gone.

This was the boys’ first contact with the small UFO.

The 2nd Contact

The next afternoon, they added Sadao Fujiwara, a friend of Hiroshi’s, to their group, and the five boys visited the sighting site again.

After investing in the area around the site, they found traces of what appeared to be something that had landed there.

A photo of the trace where the small UFO landed. You can see the change in color of the soil where the traces are located.

Source MYSTERY PHOTONICLE (May 2016), 40-41, Digital Ultra Project

It was a circle 20 centimeters (about 8 inches) in diameter, with four small dents surrounding the center of the circle in positions that formed the four corners of a square.

The boys were so excited that they started going out every night after dark to look for the object, without telling their parents.

Then, a week after the first sighting, just after 8 p.m. on September 2, the five boys, Michio, the Mori brothers, Kei, and Keikou Fujimoto, a friend of Hiroshi’s, saw a glowing object appear in the rice field.

A photo of the small UFO glowing in a rice field in the dark. This is the only photographic evidence of the small UFO taken in the Kera Incident.

Source MYSTERY PHOTONICLE (May 2016), 40-41, Digital Ultra Project

The boys cautiously approached the glowing object to a distance of about ten meters (about 30 feet).

It was the same object that they had witnessed a week ago.

It was in the air about a meter (about 3 feet) above the grass, swaying slightly and slowly rotating from left to right.

The object was emitting a multicolored light, like the light of flickering bean bulbs in a horizontal row.

Below are the boys’ sketches of the small UFO at this time.  The English translation of the comments below is as follows: (A) Approx.18.2 cm (B) Before it was captured. (C) It was spinning slowly, and also emitting various lights from its sides. (D) 1 m.

Source MYSTERY PHOTONICLE (May 2016), 40-41, Digital Ultra Project

The five boys looked at the strange, glowing object floating in the air for a while in amazement, but gradually became frightened, and before they knew it, they were all running away from the scene.

While they were running away,  they occasionally looked back to see if the object was chasing them, but in the darkness, they could see nothing.

Two days later, at around 9:30 p.m. on September 4, the Mori brothers and Toshiaki Kuzuoka, a friend of Hiroshi’s, discovered a vaguely shining object in the rice field, in almost the same place the boys had witnessed it before.

Toshiaki took a picture of this object with the camera he had brought with him.

Suddenly, the object soared about 1.5 meters (about 5 feet), causing the three boys to panic and run away.

*The above image is simulated for illustrative purposes only.

Later, the film of the photo taken by Toshiaki was developed.

Unfortunately, it was an indistinct picture of what appeared to be a part of an empty bottle glowing, and the object was not clearly visible.

Another boy tried to take a picture of the object with his father’s SLR camera, but due to his inexperience with the camera, he forgot to insert the film and was unable to take a picture of the object.

They tried to take pictures of this mysterious object several times after that, but for some strange reason, the shutter of the camera did not go off, or the pictures were completely black, or they were out of focus.

The 1st Capture

Then, on September 6, 1972*3, the boys succeeded in capturing the object.

According to Namiki, the boys first captured the small UFO on September 6, 1972, but according to Yaoi, it was on September 19 and according to Endo, it was on September, 20.

In this way, there are a number of discrepancies between the dates and the names of the boys involved, depending on the source.

At that time, three of Hiroshi’s friends, Sadao Fujiwara, Ikuo Higashiyama, and Kiyomitsu Ohara, newly joined their group, bringing the total number of members of the UFO exploration team to nine.

Then, as usual, they went to the rice field to look for the object, and the boys found a small object shaped like a hat with a brim, landing in the rice field.

The boys stared at the object in surprise, but it made no sound and showed no sign of moving.

So they decided to sneak back the way they came and discuss together what they should do with the object.

After some discussion,

Let’s capture that thing this time!

They were all in agreement.

The boys’ plan for capturing the object was as follows:

  1. First, they cover the object with a piece of cloth so that it cannot see anything outside.
  2. Next, they pour water on the object.  This was because they thought it must be vulnerable to water since it did not appear on rainy days.
  3. Finally, they catch the object, which is deprived of sight, and weakened by the water.

So Keikou (or Hiroshi according to Namiki) approached the object and covered it with a cloth, poured water over it.

*The above image is simulated for illustrative purposes only.

Then he picked up a concrete block that had been discarded nearby and threw it at the object.

There was only a thud, the dull sound of the block hitting the object, but the object still did not show any reaction.

So, Keikou boldly approached the object.

But then he thought,

I don’t want to be exposed to radiation!

So he covered the edge of the object with the hem of his school uniform to avoid touching it directly and lift it fearfully*4.

There are many theories as to who among the boys picked up the small UFO for the first time. 

In fact, an examination of several of Yaoi’s books shows that some books say that Keikou picked up the UFO, while others say that Hiroshi picked up the UFO, thus confirming contradictory descriptions from book to book, even by the same author.

A photo of Keikou holding a replica of the small UFO and reenacting the capture of the UFO.

Source Junichi Yaoi (June 2006). Yaoi Junichi no UFO Taizen (Junichi Yaoi’s Complete UFO Collection), 254-256, Lyonsha.

Still, the object was unresponsive, so the boys decided to bring it home.

The boys were afraid of being exposed to radiation, so they wrapped the object in rags so they wouldn’t have to touch it directly, and took it back to Hiroshi’s house.

Sketches and Measurements of the small UFO

*The above image is simulated for illustrative purposes only.

At Hiroshi’s house, each of the boys picked up the strange object and stared at it.

The shape of the object looked like a sombrero (a type of wide-brimmed hat from Mexico), and the surface of the object was a rough, silvery color, like cast metal.

The object was made of a surprisingly light and strong metal.

A replica of the small UFO created by Kazuo Hayashi of the Japan Space Phenomena Society (JSPS) based on the accounts of the boys.

Source Junichi Yaoi (June 2006). Yaoi Junichi no UFO Taizen (Junichi Yaoi’s Complete UFO Collection), 254-256, Lyonsha.

At first glance, it looked like a cheap piece of cast iron that had been sprayed with silver paint, but when they actually touched the surface of the object, it felt incredibly smooth.

While the object was stored in Hiroshi’s house, Kei measured the weight and size of the object and sketched it.

According to the measurements, the object weighed 1.3 to 1.5 kilograms (about 3 pounds), was 7 centimeters (about 3 inches) in height, and had a diameter of 18.2 centimeters (about 7 inches) at the brim and 6.5 centimeters (about 2.5 inches) at the top.

Surprisingly, the boys left extremely detailed sketches of the object and measurements of its size and weight.

The following are some of the sketches of the small UFO captured by the boys. The English translation of the comments is as follows: (A) It weighs about 1.5 kg but could be about 1.3 kg. (B) It looks like something embedded in it. (C) Mostly flat. (D) Approx.7cm (E) Approx.10 cm (F) The rim was rising. (G) In the JUFORA report, 10 and 7 are opposite. The total length of 18.5 should be corrected to 18.2 cm.  (H) (There was a slight error In the first report.) (I) There are three such parts that were raised. (J) Approx. 3.8 cm (K) This is the correct sketch. (L) This part.

Source MYSTERY PHOTONICLE (May 2016), 40-41, Digital Ultra Project

The English translation of the comments below is as follows: (A) Approx.10 cm (B) It looks like something embedded in it. (C) The surface is as rough as an eggshell. (D) Approx.7 cm (E) This part is raised (there are three of them all over). (F) It’s not even 1cm thick, but it’s strong enough not to break even if beaten with a hammer. (G) Approx. 18.2 cm.

Source MYSTERY PHOTONICLE (May 2016), 40-41, Digital Ultra Project

The English translation of the comments below is as follows: (A) Approx.3.5 cm (B) Approx.10 cm (C) View from the side. (D) Approx.7 cm (E) Diameter: approx. 18.2 cm, Mass: approx. 1.3 kg, Height: approx. (F) View from above. (G) View from below.

Source MYSTERY PHOTONICLE (May 2016), 40-41, Digital Ultra Project

On the bottom surface of the object, a strange design depicting waves and plovers was embossed.

At the periphery of the bottom surface, there were circular grooves like those of an old phonograph record.

There was also what looked like a square lid in the center of the bottom side, and the lid had many holes in it.

Sketch of a view of an object from the bottom. Strange design, square lid-like object, and record groove-like structure can be confirmed. The English translation of the comments below is as follows: (A) Approx.18.2 cm (B) The bottom side. (C) Grooves like those of a record surface?

Source Junichi Yaoi (June 2006). Yaoi Junichi no UFO Taizen (Junichi Yaoi’s Complete UFO Collection), 254-256, Lyonsha.

A replica of the small UFO created by Kazuo Hayashi of the Japan Space Phenomena Society (JSPS) based on the above sketches.

Source MYSTERY PHOTONICLE (May 2016), 40-41, Digital Ultra Project

Despite the eventual disappearance of the small UFO and the complete lack of physical evidence, many experts considered the boys’ accounts to be true.

This was because, as shown above, the boys had left amazingly detailed sketches that supported the existence of the mysterious object.

At this time, the object did not show any reaction and was silent the whole time as if it was dead.

But soon later, the boys would see this small UFO showing strange phenomena.

In the next article, I would like to introduce many mysterious phenomena that the small UFO showed to the boys.

Published on May 8, 2021

Updated on May 21, 2021

Written by OTAKUPAPA


  1. Tsutomu Seki (May 1973). Kera-mura ni Ochita Enban (The Flying Saucer That Fell on Kera Village), Michi no Hoshi Wo Motomete (Searching for Unknown Stars), 187-194, Sankei Shobo.
  2. Shinichiro Namiki, Kazuo Hayashi (Field Investigator) (April 1973).– JSPS Special Report–Soratobu Enban Ikedori Misui!! Kochi-shi Keramura de Okotta Kisou Tengaina Enban Soudou …… ??? (Attempted Live Capture of Flying Saucer! A Bizarre Flying Saucer Incident in Kera Village, Kochi City …… ???) Unidentified Flying Objects – Information and Research – Vol.1, No. 1, 48-50, Japan Space Phenomena Society (JSPS).
  3. Mokuyou Special Gendai no Kaiki Tuikyu Daisandan Utyujinwa Tikyuni Kite Iru!! (Thursday Special: Modern Weirdness, Pursuit #3: Aliens are Coming to Earth!!), Nippon Television Network Corporation, broadcast on October 10, 1974.
  4. Shusaku Endo (1976). Kera-Cho no Soratobu Enban (Flying Saucer in Kera Town), Boku ha Koukishin no Katamari (I Am a Curious Man), 36-44, Shinchosha.
  5. Junichi Yaoi (July 1978). Zenkoku UFO Mokugeki Tahatsu Chitai (UFO Sighting Zones in Japan), 272-277. Futami Shobo
  6. Ryoma Mulder (November 2002). Kochi Kogata UFO Hokaku Jiken Tenmatsu Report by Ryoma Mulder (Report on Capture of a Small UFO in Kochi by Ryoma Mulder),
  7. Hiroshi Yamamoto, Kazuo Shimizu, and Ryutaro Minakami (July 2005). Tondemo UFO Nyumon (Introduction to Ridiculous UFO Cases and Researchers), Yosensha.
  8. Junichi Yaoi (June 2006). Yaoi Junichi no UFO Taizen (Junichi Yaoi’s Complete UFO Collection), 254-256, Lyonsha.
  9. Kenichi Nishimoto (May 2009). Kochi-ken Kera-Cho“UFO Hokaku Jiken” no Shogeki (The Impact of the “UFO Capture Incident” in Kera Town, Kochi Prefecture), Nihon “Kaiki” Taizen (The Complete Book of Japanese “Weirdness”), 239-253, Million Shuppan
  10. Shinichiro Namiki (Feburary 2010). Mikakunin Hikou Buttai UFO Taizen (The Complete Guide to Unidentified Flying Objects UFOs), 227-233, Gakken Plus.
  11. Shinichiro Namiki, Tanbo de Chugakusei ga Kogata Enban wo Hokaku Nazo no ‘Kera UFO Jikenno Ima wo Ou!! (Junior High School Students Captured a Small Flying Saucer in Rice Fields: Now Tracing the Mysterious ‘Kera UFO Incident!!’), MU Magazine, April 2014 issue, 172-177, Gakken.
  12. Kenji Sato, Radio Adventure, Kikai Isan (Odd World Heritage), NHK Radio 1, broadcast on May 3, 2016.
  13. MYSTERY PHOTONICLE (May 2016), 40-41, Digital Ultra Project
  14. Kozo Niwa, Kazuo Hayashi (June 2016). Nihon no Juyo UFO Jiken: Kochi Keramura UFO Hokaku Jiken (Important UFO Incident in Japan: Kochi Kera Village UFO Capture Incident),
  15. Tatsuya Honjo, ASIOS (August 2017). UFO Jiken Chronicle (Chronicle of UFO Incidents), 138-145, Saizusha.
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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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