Japanese Manga Artist Warns of Catastrophe in July 2025

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The Japanese manga “The Future I Saw” has recently become a hot topic in Japan. The author, Ryo Tatsuki, began having prophetic dreams about future events in the late 1960s and is known to have predicted the death of Freddie Mercury of the rock band Queen and the date of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

But Ryo’s prophetic dreams do not end there. She warns,

Ryo’s Dream of Catastrophe of July 2025

In 1998, when she retired as a manga artist, Ryo went on a trip to India. While in India, she dreamed about a great disaster that would happen in the future.

According to her, she had a vision of the waters of the Pacific Ocean south of Japan rising up, just like bubbles suddenly rising up when a sloppy soup comes to a boil.

The above image is for illustration purposes only.

Ryo did not know whether it was an undersea volcanic eruption or a bomb explosion.

Twenty-three years later, on July 5, 2021, at 4:18 a.m., before the deadline for her manga “The Future I Saw, the Complete Version,” Ryo had another dream about the same catastrophe.

This time, black text appeared on a blank screen, like a movie screen.

‘The real catastrophe will come in July 2025.’

She was looking at the earth from the sky, just like looking at Google Earth. Suddenly, the ocean floor between Japan and the Philippines burst with a bang.

The above image is for illustration purposes only.

As a result, large waves spread in all directions on the ocean surface, and a huge tsunami swept over the countries around the Pacific Ocean. The tsunami was huge, perhaps 100 feet high, three times the Great East Japan Earthquake tsunami (wave height of 33 feet).

The above image is for illustration purposes only.

The tsunami inundated one-third to one-quarter of the Pacific side of the Japanese archipelago. The impact of the wave pushed up the land, so it seemed as if Hong Kong, Taiwan, and even the Philippines were connected by land.

Surprisingly, she also saw an image of two dragons heading toward the epicenter.

The above image is for illustration purposes only.

When she checked the underwater topography on Google Earth, she saw silhouettes on the ocean floor from near the dateline to the Hawaiian Islands that looked like the two dragons she had seen in her dream.

Countries Most Likely to be Affected by the July 2025 Tsunami

Ryo said that the epicenter of the July 2025 catastrophe appeared to be the center of a diamond shape connecting Japan in the north, Taiwan in the west, the Indonesian island of Morotai in the south, and the Northern Mariana Islands in the east. If this prophetic dream is true, the countries most likely to be affected by the July 2025 tsunami are as follows:

  • Japan
  • The Philippines
  • Indonesia
  • Taiwan
  • China
  • Guam
  • Palau
  • South Korea

However, Ryo also left the following message.

The important thing is that we prepare ourselves for catastrophes.
I want to remind you how important it is to prepare and act now, thinking about how we will live after the catastrophe.

New World Coming After the Catastrophe

On January 1, 2001, Ryo also dreamed about a world after the July 2025 catastrophe. According to her, the world’s situation is changing dramatically due to this catastrophe, and a glorious future is coming.

She doesn’t see much of what will happen after the catastrophe. But she is sure that the future will be bright and glorious. She feels the whole planet will be bright and shiny, and everyone will live vibrantly.

The above image is for illustration purposes only.

According to Ryo, after the catastrophic events of July 2025, there will be an “age of mind.” It will be a world where everyone helps and cooperates, and everything moves positively. She says,

The real miracle is a change in our minds.
After the catastrophe comes the spiritual era, the evolution of our mind and soul.

Skepticism About the Prophecy of “The Future I Saw”

The above image is for illustration purposes only.

However, there is skepticism about the prophecy of the manga “The Future I Saw.”

Tatsuya Honjo, head of the Association for Skeptical Investigation of Supernatural (ASIOS), a Japanese organization dedicated to the skeptical investigation of the supernatural, points out the following about the manga’s prophecy.

According to Honjo, on the cover of the first edition of “The Future I Saw,” in addition to the date of the Great East Japan Earthquake, March 2011, the following dates are also included.

  • July 2, 1994
  • June 12, 1995
  • November 26, 1995
  • August 2, 1999
  • July 15, year unknown

However, no catastrophes or other disasters have occurred on these dates, and the predictions for the five dates above have not come true. Thus, Honjo points out that Ryo’s March 2011 prophecy was just a coincidence, not the fulfillment of her prophetic dream.

In any case, whether her prophetic dream is true in another year and three months will be clear.

Published on April 3, 2024
Written by OTAKUPAPA


1. Ryo Tatsuki, October 2, 2021, “The Future I Saw: The Complete Version,” Asuka Shinsha.

2. Interview with Ryo Tatsuki, December 27, 2022, Bungeishunju ed. (

3. Tatsuya Honjo, December 8, 2021, “The Future I Saw,” a prophetic manga that warns of numerous disasters and the death of prominent people,” Paranormal Mysteries Solved.

数々の大災害や著名人の死を警告する予言漫画『私が見た未来』 伝説東日本大震災が起きることを、10年以上前の1999年に予言していたとして有名な漫画がある。『私が見た未来』(朝日ソノラマ)だ。そのコミックスの表紙をご覧いただきた...
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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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