Kaiji Tomita: Amazing Japanese Man Who Gained a Miraculous Healing Power in Only 10 Hours of Reiki Training [Episode 1]

This is a true story of a Japanese man who gained a miraculous healing power in just 10 hours of Reiki training.

Kaiji Tomita was a Japanese man living in Osaka in Japan in the Taisho era (1912-1926).

Tomita learned the original Reiki directly from Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki at the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Therapy Society).

If you are interested in the details of the amazing life of Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, please click the link below.

After that, in order to spread Reiki in Japan, Tomita opened his clinic in front of Ichioka Junior High School (the current Ichioka High School) in Minato-ku, Osaka, where he established the “Tomita Hand Healing.”

Source Maximilian Dörrbecker (Chumwa) – Own work

Amazingly, Tomita gained a miraculous healing power to cure all kinds of diseases in only 10 hours of Reiki training.

Then he cured all 165 human diseases, including incurable ones.

In this post, I would like to introduce the story of how Tomita achieved miraculous healing power at the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.

Tomita’s Book Highly Acclaimed by Reiki Masters in Japan

In 1933, Tomita published his book “Reiki to Jinjutsu,” that is considered the culmination of his Reiki study.

Tomita’s book, “Reiki to Jinjutsu.” Unfortunately, it is now out of print and is difficult to find even in Japan.

There are few documents left in Japan on the contents of the Usui Reiki Therapy in its pre-war heyday, and there are many things that remain unclear.

The reasons for this include the fact that the founder, Mikao Usui, did not leave any writings behind, the fact that Usui Reiki Therapy had many esoteric elements to it and the fact that many of Japan’s alternative therapies were banned under pressure from the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) held by General Douglas MacArthur during the Allied Occupation of Japan following WWII.

For this reason, “Reiki to Jinjutsu” is considered one of the few remaining valuable sources of information on Usui Reiki Therapy in those days.

It is therefore highly recommended by modern Japanese Reiki masters as a must-read for anyone wishing to learn the essence of Usui Reiki Therapy in depth.

However, the original text includes many old and variant characters used extensively in the Taisho era, making it difficult for even the native Japanese to read.

The original text of “Reiki to Jinjutsu” which uses so many old characters and abbreviations that even native Japanese have a hard time reading it.

In addition, there are many abbreviations of subjects and other words unique to the Japanese language, and in many cases, there is no punctuation, so unless you read between the lines, you will not be able to read the content accurately.

Therefore, it seems that an accurate translation of this book into English would be difficult to achieve unless one is fluent not only in English but also in the old Japanese language.

Nevertheless, I’d like to present here the contents of Tomita’s book, “Reiki To Jinjutsu” in as much detail as possible for the benefit of 10 million Reiki learners who are now estimated to be around the world.

Episode 1: Coming Home from the Government Office Where Tomita Worked

One day, on his way home from the government office where he worked, Tomita stopped at a market to pick up some greens and fish, which he wrapped up in a furoshiki (Japanese wrapping cloth) and headed home.

He had been doing this kind of after-work shopping for quite some time.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

When he returned home, his wife was vomiting in the back room.

At mealtime, his wife’s vomiting became more and more intense.

Finally, the slightest whiff of food made her nauseous.

This kind of nausea in his wife had already been going on for more than thirty days, and it still wasn’t over.

For such a long time, his wife had been suffering from morning sickness.

She saw the doctor often and took medication, but nothing helped.

Tomita’s mother, who lived in the countryside, always wrote to him:

Be patient, because it will heal in time.

As for morning sickness, there seemed to be no other way to heal this than to wait for time to pass.

However, to see if there was a better way, Tomita decided to visit one of his friends, Dr. Yamashita, to discuss the matter.

Nevertheless, Dr. Yamashita’s wife was also suffering from pregnancy sickness, and he had even asked people to help him find a maid.

Knowing that even the doctor was in such a situation, Tomita was at a loss for words.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Tomita gave up, but his payment at the end of the month was more than double his usual amount.

Aside from senior officials, the income of a cheaply paid official like Tomita was meager, and the shortage was inescapable, even with a little more spending.

He had no choice but to ask his parents, who lived in the country, to send him the shortfall.

But it was quite a pain for him because it happened so often.

Nevertheless, he wanted to cure his wife’s morning sickness quickly, somehow.

Tomita didn’t know how many more children he would have in the future, but if he went on like this, he will be at a standstill for the rest of his life.

By the way, the only condition Tomita had wanted regarding his spouse was health.

However, he had no way of knowing that even healthy women suffer from morning sickness.

Now the question of how to cure morning sickness made a deep impression on his mind.

This was one of the motivations for Tomita to study hand therapy.

Encounter With a Mysterious Old Man, Mr. Mizuyama

By the way, the old man who ran a grocery store three doors down from Tomita’s house was a fine-looking man.

Tomita would sometimes see the old man coming and going from his house.

One day, Nishiwaki, a friend of Tomita’s, came to visit and told him the following story.

Mr. Mizuyama, the old man running that grocery store, is said to cure diseases, strangely enough.

Does he use drugs to cure the disease?

No, he doesn’t use anything.

He just cures the disease with his hands.

Does he use a spell?

It doesn’t seem like he uses a spell, but I’m not sure about that.

Does he do faith therapy?

No. I went to visit Mizuyama a couple of times, but it was not by the power of God or Buddha.

Don’t be silly!

That old man is the same human being just like us, and he can’t cure the disease just by touching his hands.

However, my wife was also treated by Mizuyama, and she was cured.


At that time, Tomita didn’t take Nishiwaki’s mysterious story seriously, and the topic of conversation shifted.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Four or five days later, Tomita visited the home of one of his friends named Yamada, who worked for the police.

Yamada told Tomita that his wife had become ill with lung disease and that his house was in trouble.

Yamada’s wife was on her sickbed.

It was then that Tomita suddenly remembered and told Yamada the strange story about the old man Mizuyama that he had heard the other day.

Hearing this, Yamada told him to ask Mizuyama to cure his wife’s illness.

Tomita accepted Yamada’s request on the spot, but he wasn’t sure if he should accept the request from the police official.

Nevertheless, he immediately applied to the old man Mizuyama for a request for his friend.

The old man immediately agreed to go to Yamada’s house the next day.

Ten days later, when Tomita walked by Yamada’s house, his wife appeared to be in good spirits and was babysitting her child.

Yamada was there and said,

Thanks to you, my wife’s illness has gotten better!

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

The next day, when Tomita went to his office, he noticed that his section chief was ill.

His section chief, who had been so patient, had finally become ill enough to be absent from work, and his chair was empty.

Not that he was a curious person, but Tomita was somewhat tempted to talk to the section chief once again.

A couple of days later, when he told the section chief about Mizuyama, the section chief wanted to ask him for help as soon as possible.

So Tomita made another request to Mizuyama, and the old man immediately agreed.

The section chief was treated by Mizuyama for about three weeks and got better.

He said to Tomita,

I’m feeling better.

I’m able to eat better.

I have a clearer head.

And I’m able to work better!


The section chief thanked Tomita again and again.

So, Tomita began to wish he could learn that kind of treatment.

This was the second motivation for Tomita to study hand therapy.

Joining the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai

One day, Tomita asked Mizuyama,

Can you cure the morning sickness of pregnancy?

Mizuyama replied,

It’s the least I can do.

When Tomita told this to his wife, she suggested,

You should learn it too!

Even so, it’s an incomprehensible superstition, and it costs a lot of money*1.

Tomita muttered to his wife.

The membership fee for the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Therapy Society) was 50 yen at that time. This was a considerable amount of money, equivalent to the starting salary of a college graduate elementary school teacher. In addition, the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai charged a fee of one yen per session. Tomita attended five sessions to learn Usui Reiki Therapy, so he paid at least 55 yen in total.

You can work out the money, so why don’t you get started!

His wife told him so.

So one day Tomita asked Mizuyama about learning Reiki therapy and the old man told him,

My Master*2 will be coming from Tokyo for Reiki training soon, so I will let him know about you.

Mizuyama’s Master was, of course, Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki.

So, Tomita decided to think he was also ill and asked Mizuyama to introduce him to the Reiki practice and went home.

Mizuyama accompanied him that day.

When Tomita walked into the hall after the procedure, he felt like he was in a different world.

There were five or six groups of people in the hall.

And there was a lot of treatment going on, with one person sleeping and the other putting his or her hands on the sleeping person.

There was also a lot of talk around the brazier about how they had cured an incurable disease.

The only thing that particularly impressed Tomita was that they all looked to be middle-class or higher-class people.

When he thought that this sort of thing had been prevalent in upper-class society for quite a long time, Tomita was beginning to feel ashamed of himself for not knowing anything about it.

Then there was an hour of Master talk and an hour of sitting Japanese seiza-style.

Tomita, who had worked for the government for a long time, found it very difficult to sit Japanese seiza-style for two hours.

Especially an hour of sitting Japanese seiza-style was too much for him.

And, it was even more painful for him to sit on the hard tatami mats like the temple boards.

So, Tomita was more distracted by the pain in his legs than listening to the Master’s lecture.

When the sitting time was finally over and the Master announced that the meeting was to be dismissed, everyone stood up and walked out of the hall.

But Tomita had a tough time after that.

He had to work very hard in his hakama (Japanese male skirt) to pull out one leg first and stroke it, and then the other leg and stroke it again.

By the time Tomita was finally able to walk, there was no one in the hall.

So, he felt more embarrassing than painful.

Tomita tried to walk somehow, but he couldn’t walk because he couldn’t use his legs, and the best he could do was to think of a way to walk faster.

Therefore, there seemed to be no room in Tomita’s mind and body for either the content of the Master’s lecture or the spirit he could gain from sitting in stillness.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

That evening his wife asked him what he had learned.

But Tomita had to say that he couldn’t remember anything except that his legs were sore.

By the way, the old Japanese saying goes,

Three years will make you three.

(Everything changes and grows with time.)

As these words suggest, after the five-day course was over, Tomita was awarded a license.

In other words, he was an accomplished graduate; he graduated from freshman grade!

An Instant Doctor

No one will ever appear again who becomes a doctor so quickly.

Tomita became a doctor in five days, two hours each, that is, ten hours of study.

The next day was, fortunately, a Sunday, and he thought,

Today I’m going to find a sick person.

Let’s test my skills as an instant doctor!

For good or bad, Mr. Ohashi’s sister, Chiyoko, had come here to Osaka from the countryside last year to be treated for her asthma.

So, to cure Chiyoko’s asthma, Tomita decided to take his child out for a walk to see her.

He thought,

She is not satisfied with country doctors, so she came to Osaka to see a medical doctor.

Nevertheless, her asthma cannot be cured.

Tomita was thinking of curing such an incurable disease from the ground up.

Is this a reckless act or an adventurous one? 

In any case, it was the most insane thing to do!

It’s stupid!

It’s crazy!

Fortunately, Mr. Ohashi was also home and his sister Chiyoko was also there.

Tomita said to Chiyoko,

Chiyoko-san, would you like me to cure your illness?

Oh, do you have any good medication?

No, it’s not medicine.

Do you know a good doctor?

If you’re asking if it’s a doctor who will cure your illness, then yes indeed it is!

So, who is the doctor?

It’s me!!

No way, really?

Don’t make a joke!

No, I’m not kidding, it’s true!

When did you become a doctor?

Last night!!!


Hearing Tomita’s words, she got a wondering look on her face.

Apparently she didn’t trust him like this, but Tomita asked her to let him treat Chiyoko anyway.

Finally, she said,

Then I’ll ask you to treat me.

She formally agreed for him to treat her because of their regular relationship.

Tomita was ready and set up to treat her.

But suddenly, he realized that he had forgotten to bring the notebook he had scribbled his notes in last night.

Oh shit!

But he couldn’t go for his notebook now.

So, he looked at the sick woman in front of him and thought.

Her throat makes a hissing sound…

Then, Tomita put his hands on her throat and stomach.

Since she breathes through her nose, why not put my hands on her nose as well?

In this way, Tomita treated Chiyoko for about an hour.

That’s it.

That’s all for today!

Tomita said, and Chiyoko thanked him.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Tomita went straight home that day.

But after a while, one of his friends came over and, as usual, began to make small talk with him.

Then Tomita’s wife said,

When my husband puts his hands on the sick spot, he can cure any disease!

Tomita’s friend said,

Oh, I see…

But he didn’t take it seriously.

Then, as the conversation progressed in the direction of science, Tomita became distracted by the topic, which was originally his favorite, and unwittingly talked with his friend until the evening.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

After his friend left, Tomita leaned over the brazier alone, looking at his hands and thinking again.

I knew It’s a superstition that I can cure a disease by putting these hands on the place of the disease.

There is no cure without medicine or anything else!

With that thought, his energy for this morning was nowhere to be found.

Then, he finished his dinner and was reading a newspaper.

At that time, Tomita heard a voice at the door saying,

Good evening.

The voice, he thought, was probably Chiyoko’s.

At this point, Tomita felt somewhat embarrassed himself and couldn’t bring himself to ask her about the results of the morning’s treatment.

When he was in such an awkward mood, Chiyoko said to him with a happy look on her face.

Thanks to you, I was happy that my throat stopped hissing until dinner from this morning.

But when I finished dinner, my throat started hissing again.

So, I would like to ask you to treat me again!

This time the offer came from her.

So, Tomita regained his energy!

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Then Tomita sat back down and thought about what Chiyoko said just now.

Wait, she said that the hissing in her throat stopped for about ten hours.

So, if I repeat this hand healing for her, shouldn’t the time come at last when her asthma will be cured?

This thought made Tomita suddenly feel better.

Then the second treatment began.

This time her asthma stopped until the next evening!

Mr. Ohashi’s wife was also there that day, and Chiyoko’s throat had stopped hissing in the evening while she was asleep.

When this happened, Tomita felt like a doctor again.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

After that, Tomita treated Chiyoko every night, and she was finally cured!

So, Chiyoko volunteered to go to work at a house, and she became a servant.

But there was no particular problem with her after that.

I’m cured.

I’m really cured!

I can get married now!!

Chiyoko thanked Tomita with great pleasure.

Tomita’s joy was several times greater than that of Chiyoko, the cured person.

Later, Chiyoko also married, and six or seven years passed, but there were no reports of her asthma disease returning.

The fact that Tomita was able to make such a significant contribution as an instant doctor was a great surprise to himself.

But this was only the beginning of Tomita’s amazing Reiki therapy.

(To be continued in Episode 2)

If you are interested in the next episode of Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki treatment, please click the link below.


  1. Kaiji Tomita (February 1933). “Reiki To Jinjutsu: Tomita-Style Hand Therapy.”

Published on July 19, 2020

Written by OTAKUPAPA

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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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