How to Fully Master the Amazing Reiki Therapy in Just 5 Days of Training by Kaiji Tomita [Part 4]

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This is a true method for developing the amazing Reiki healing ability to cure any disease in just 5 days of training.

Kaiji Tomita was a Japanese man living in Osaka in Japan in the Taisho era (1912-1926).

Kaiji Tomita

Tomita learned the original Reiki directly from Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki at the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Therapy Society).

If you are interested in the details of the amazing life of Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, please click the link below.

After that, in order to spread Reiki in Japan, Tomita opened his clinic in front of Ichioka Junior High School (the current Ichioka High School) in Minato-ku, Osaka, where he established the “Tomita Hand Healing.”

Source Maximilian Dörrbecker (Chumwa) – Own work

Amazingly, Tomita gained a miraculous healing power to cure all kinds of diseases in only 10 hours of Reiki training.

If you are interested in the episode of Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki treatment shortly after he learned Reiki, please click the link below.

According to Tomita, such power is inherent in all humans, and anyone can acquire it if they train in the right procedures.

Unfortunately, Usui, the founder of Reiki, did not leave any writings on his own Reiki therapy, so it is not possible to know the details of how the Usui style Reiki therapy was actually practiced now.

However, Tomita described in considerable detail how to develop his Reiki healing abilities in his book “Reiki to Jinjutsu: Tomita-Style Hand Therapy” which was published in 1933.

In this post, I would like to introduce Kaiji Tomita’s method for developing amazing Reiki healing ability to cure any disease in just 5 days of training.

Amazing Effect of Putting Hands Together

Tomita introduces a practice to release Reiki from your hands (Hatzrei method).

In Reiki therapy, you need to release Reiki from the palm of your hand before anything else.

You can use Reiki not only to treat a patient’s disease but also to diagnose the disease.

So how can we release Reiki from the palm of our hands?

When you join your hands together, you should not strain any part of your body.

It is most ideal to relax your body and stay in your natural body.

When both hands are brought together, the Reiki radiating from one hand goes into the other hand.

In this way, each hand will send Reiki to each other.

As a result, a flow of self Reiki occurs in your body.

This self Reiki flow improves the flow of Reiki in your body.

In other words, if you join your hands together and continue to let self Reiki flow through your body, it will improve the flow of Reiki in your body and thus make it easier to release Reiki.

This is just like the unclogging of a water distribution pipe when hot water continues to flow down the pipe.

Furthermore, the self Reiki flowing through your body has the effect of returning your mind and body to a natural state of harmony.

It is because of this self Reiki effect that when you put your hands together in prayer to God or Buddha, you naturally feel more at ease.

And as your mind and body harmonize, the flow of self Reiki in your body will further improve and increase, allowing you to radiate stronger Reiki.

According to Tomita, as you achieve better mind-body harmony through joined hands, your mind’s power becomes stronger.

For example, even if you encounter unexpected events, you will be able to steadily deal with things for good without being the least bit upset, and you will always be in a relaxed state of mind and body.

Also, when the power of your mind is strengthened, you can feel spiritual heat and spiritual waves gathering in the palms of your hands, just by pitting your hands together.

In order to attain the healing power of Reiki, you must be able to maintain the state of mind-body harmony achieved through self Reiki at all times, not only when your hands are joined together, but also when your hands are not joined together.

According to Tomita, by maintaining such a harmonious state of mind and body for 24 hours a day, you can demonstrate your full Reiki healing abilities.

However, since putting hands together is only a means to achieve mind-body harmony, you should not make putting hands together an end in itself.

According to Tomita, it is possible to achieve mind-body harmony without necessarily putting hands together.

In fact, Tomita’s Reiki therapy also involves putting hands together in training, but when it comes time to perform the treatment, the practitioner usually omitted to put hands together.

How to Feel Reiki Sensation

The Reiki sensation you feel between the palms of your hands when you put your hands together, and the Reiki sensation you feel in the palms of your hands when you touch the diseased part of a patient during treatment, are of the same quality, and it is, therefore, essential to firmly impress this Reiki sensation on your mind.

At first, you may or may not feel like you have this sense of Reiki.

You may also feel this Reiki sensation like the patient’s pulse.

Therefore, you may not be easily convinced of this Reiki feeling.

But as you go through more Reiki treatments, you will get a clearer sense of Reiki.

According to Tomita, even if you don’t know exactly what this Reiki sensation is, it doesn’t change the effectiveness of the treatment at all, and as you place your hands on the affected area, the disease will naturally heal itself through the action of Reiki.

Tomita also says that rather than thinking about all sorts of things about this Reiki sensation, a faster way to master Reiki is to treat a lot of sick people.

In my previous article, I explained how to practice feeling Reiki alone, but Tomita also suggested how to practice feeling Reiki with two people.

As shown in Fig.9 below, the sender and recipient of Reiki are at a distance of about 3 to 5 meters (4 to 6 yards) apart from each other.

Figure.9 Schematic diagram of the practice of radiating and feeling Reiki with two people.  Figure 9A shows a practice where the line of sight of the sender and recipient is blocked by an object, and the recipient explores the location of the Reiki radiating from the sender using only the Reiki sensation in the palm of the hand.  Figure 9B shows a practice where the line of sight between the sender and recipient is not blocked, and the recipient feels the Reiki radiating from the sender with the Reiki sensation in the palm of the hand (the same as if practicing alone).

Then, as shown in Fig.9B, the recipient receives the Reiki sent by the sender with the fingertips of the right hand pointing up and the palm of the right hand facing the sender.

On the other hand, the sender radiates Reiki from the fingertips of the right hand directed at the recipient and imagines the Reiki to reach any place within the palm of the recipient’s right hand.

The recipient can then get the special feeling of a thin stream of cold wind hitting a point within the palm of the right hand.

Also, as shown in Fig.9A, the recipient gets the same sensation when Reiki is transmitted through a sheet of paper stretched between the sender and the recipient to block the line of sight between them.

In this case, the recipient can detect where the flow of cool air generated by the Reiki emanating from the sender is coming from by moving the palm of the right hand.

In this way, you need to practice daily to improve the flow of Reiki through the body by joining your hands together, to increase the amount of Reiki radiating from your palms through Hatsurei (emanation) method, and to refine the sensation of feeling Reiki in the palms of your hands through the Kanju (sensing) method.

Tips for Strengthening Your Mind and Releasing Reiki Efficiently

According to Tomita, the key to his Reiki training is to strive to enrich the power of your mind without being too confined to formality.

In my experience of mastering Tomita’s Reiki therapy, special attention should be paid to relaxing the upper body, especially the arms and shoulders.

The more effort you put into the upper part of your body, the more the flow of Reiki is obstructed.

Therefore, never be conscious of trying to get Reiki out, but try to be pure and innocent, as if you were a newborn baby, and just try to relax your upper body.

The more mindless you become like a little baby, the smoother Reiki will flow through your body and the stronger Reiki will emit out of your palms naturally.

Be natural and relax.

This is the most important point in Reiki training.

By accumulating the Tomita’s reiki training presented here, you will be able to use Reiki to cure diseases at will.

In my next article, I would like to introduce the diagnosis of diseases through Reiki.

(Continue to “How to Completely Master Amazing Reiki Therapy in Just 5 Days of Training” [Part 5])


  1. Kaiji Tomita (February 1933). “Reiki To Jinjutsu: Tomita-Style Hand Therapy.”

Published on November 1, 2020

Written by OTAKUPAPA

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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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