Amazing Japanese Woman Who Treated Her Husband in His Sleep with Reiki and Healed the Bump on His Neck That Doctors Couldn’t Cure [Kaiji Tomita: Episode 8]

This is a true story of a Japanese woman who treated her husband in his sleep with Reiki and healed the bump on his neck that doctors couldn’t cure.

Kaiji Tomita was a Japanese man living in Osaka in Japan in the Taisho era (1912-1926).

Tomita learned the original Reiki directly from Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki at the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Therapy Society).

If you are interested in the details of the amazing life of Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, please click the link below.

After that, in order to spread Reiki in Japan, Tomita opened his clinic in front of Ichioka Junior High School (the current Ichioka High School) in Minato-ku, Osaka, where he established the “Tomita Hand Healing.”

Source Maximilian Dörrbecker (Chumwa) – Own work

Amazingly, Tomita gained a miraculous healing power to cure all kinds of diseases in only 10 hours of Reiki training.

If you are interested in the episode of Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki treatment shortly after he learned Reiki, please click the link below.

In this post, I would like to introduce the story of a Japanese woman who treated her husband in his sleep with Reiki and healed the bump on his neck that doctors couldn’t cure.

Mrs. Matsuyama Tried to Cure the Bump on Her Husband’s Neck with Reiki That Doctors Couldn’t Cure

One day, the wife of Mr. Matsuyama came to take a five-day Reiki course.

Mr. Matsuyama worked at City Hall and he was a friend of Kaiji Tomita’s.

He had a bump on his right neck the size of a sake cup and it was getting bigger and bigger every year.

Mrs. Matsuyama was therefore concerned about it.

One evening, Mr. Matsuyama’s cousin, a doctor, also came to Matsuyama’s house.

Mrs. Matsuyama looked at the bump on her husband’s neck and said,

Would you like me to treat that bump of your neck?

And then she tried to put her hand on it.

However, her husband shook off her hand and said,

Don’t be ridiculous!

Even though you went to a Reiki course for about five nights, there’s no way you’re going to put your hand on this bump on my neck and heal it.

If you say that, people will say you’re crazy!

He told her in this half-joking, half-warning manner.

Mr. Matsuyama’s cousin, who was a doctor, also said,

I don’t know what kind of therapy Reiki is, but if you could treat the bump on your husband’s neck with the palm of your hand, I’d quit being a doctor!

Then he laughed.

But Mrs. Matsuyama was persistent.

But there are people who have been cured by Reiki.

So I’m going to try to heal it.

And even if I couldn’t cure it with Reiki, you have nothing to lose!

Wouldn’t you be lucky if it cured you?

Then she tried to put her hand on the bump on her husband’s neck again.

You’re an idiot!

I have absolutely no intention of taking your Reiki treatment!

No way!!!

Her husband laughed at her and ignored her.

His cousin also said,

That’s enough.

Treating the bump on his neck is easier said than done.

We can’t actually cure it completely.

If the bump were to be removed, it would come out one after the other, many times.

In fact, even though he had surgeries in the hospital to remove the bump, it came out later.

So the doctors at the hospital said it would be better not to operate on his bump!

Her husband and his cousin were so insistent that she decided to back down, thinking,

Is that so…?

Mrs. Matsuyama Treated the Bump on Her Husband’s Neck with Reiki While He Was Asleep

Then Mrs. Matsuyama went to sleep that night but woke up in the middle of the night.

She saw the bump on her husband’s neck in front of her, and she remembered the events of the day again.

I’d like to treat that bump to see if it can be cured or not!

Fortunately, her husband was asleep.

So, she decided to try to treat the bump on his neck for half an hour, quietly, like a thief, with Reiki.

The day after five nights of Reiki treatment, her husband came back to the room after a bath and said,

I had a weird thing happen today!

When I washed my neck in the bath, the skin on the surface of the bump on my neck was torn.

And something that looked like the squeezed remains of a soybean came out of the inside!

When I looked at the bump on my neck in the mirror, I was surprised to see that dry, pus-like substance coming out of the torn skin, so I took it all out.

A lot of dry pus came out, and as you can see, the bump on my neck is gone!

Then her husband showed his mother his neck.

Mrs. Matsuyama was in the kitchen at the time, and her husband’s strange story delighted her.

You’re healed!

She said to her husband, but he could not possibly understand what she meant.

She had been treating the bump on her husband’s neck with Reiki while he was sound asleep.

It was no wonder her husband did not know she was doing that in the middle of the night.

So he insisted to his wife,

Don’t be silly!

Whenever I tell you something about the mass on my neck, you always tell me to cure it with Reiki therapy, but this one just happened to be due for a cure.

But Mrs. Matsuyama was pleased with herself, saying,

I had worked so hard for five nights to treat my husband with Reiki.

So it was time for the bump on his neck to heal!

Mrs. Matsuyama’s Husband’s Neck Bump, Which Doctors Could Not Cure, Was Completely Cured After Just Five Nights of Reiki Treatment

Then, four or five days later, the bump on her husband’s neck healed without a trace, with the real skin also forming from underneath.

Later, one day, Kaiji Tomita visited Mr. Matsuyama’s house and found him and his cousin, a doctor, enthusiastically sitting upstairs playing Go.

Mrs. Matsuyama brought the tea and told Tomita about the therapeutic effects of Reiki.

Thanks to you, my husband’s neck bump healed nicely!

However, the two men who had been playing Go were silent as if they hadn’t heard her words.

When she said to them,

Have a cup of tea,

They responded,

Thank you.

Then she said,

Thanks to you, my husband’s bump has been…

As she was about to thank Tomita again, the two men who had been playing Go suddenly began to talk about the Go match in high voices.

Will white win? 

Will black win? 

Whoever wins, wins!

In this way, they were stubbornly reluctant to admit that the bump on Mr. Matsuyama’s neck, which had not healed no matter how many times the doctors operated on it in the hospital, healed completely without a trace after only five nights of his wife’s Reiki treatment.

(To be continued in Episode 9)

If you are interested in the next episode of Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki treatment, please click the link below.


  1. Kaiji Tomita (February 1933). “Reiki To Jinjutsu: Tomita-Style Hand Therapy.”

Published on September 5, 2020

Written by OTAKUPAPA

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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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