Amazing Secret of the Multiverse Revealed by the Greatest Psychic of Japan

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Are there other worlds we don’t know about in our universe?

Since ancient times, philosophers have thought about the existence of other worlds and discussed it.

Some philosophers such as Arthur Schopenhauer have explored panpsychism which is a view that consciousness, mind, or soul is a universal and primordial feature of all things.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), a German philosopher. Schopenhauer was among the first thinkers in Western philosophy to share and affirm significant tenets of Eastern philosophy.

In the philosophy of mind, panpsychism is one possible solution to the so-called hard problem of consciousness.

David Chalmers has argued panpsychism is one of multiple viable theories of consciousness.

David Chalmers (1966-), an Australian philosopher who formulated the hard problem of consciousness.

Source Zereshk – Own work

The Greatest Psychic Revealed the Secret of the Multiverse through His Clairvoyant Power

On the other hand, in Japanese Shinto, it is believed that everything in nature is possessed by spirits, from trees and rocks, to rivers and mountains.

Regarding this view, Onisaburo Deguchi (1871-1948), the greatest psychic in Japan, explained the relation between the spirit world and the physical world in his writings, “The Story of the Spirit World.

Everything in this physical world is a copy of the corresponding original element in the spirit world.

In other words, the physical world is a kind of image that reflects the spirit world as the true image.

This is the reason why the physical world has been called as “Utushiyo (the mirror world)” in Japanese Shinto.

Deguchi Onisaburo (1871-1948), the greatest psychic and philosopher in Japan.

Onisaburo was a spiritual leader of religious movement in Japan in the early 1900s.

He had an amazing clairvoyant ability to see the future and every spiritual entity in the universe.

Onisaburo left a voluminous amount of prophetic writings and most of his predictions came true.

According to Japanese spiritual researchers,

The accuracy of Onisaburo’s prediction is more than 95%

Even today, Onisaburo’s predictions are coming true, such as Apple Watch, Multicoptor, Maglev and so on.

If you are interested in Onisaburo’s amazing prediction of the release of Apple Watch, please click the link below.

Cosmic View of Shinto Philosophy

Also, Onisaburo was a great philosopher.

According to Onisaburo, the relation between the spirit world and the physical world can be compared as the relation between an object and its photographic image.

From a modern point of view, the relation between the physical world and the spirit world corresponds to the relation between a computer monitor and a cloud database.

In the above model, each image on the monitor, such as Alice, a dog, an apple and stones has its corresponding data on the cloud database.

Display Cloud Database
AliceAlice’s data
DogDog’s data
AppleApple’s data
StonesStones’s data

Similarly, in Shinto philosophy, it is considered that each element in the physical world has its corresponding spirit in the spirit world.

Physical WorldSpirit World
AliceAlice’s spirit
DogDog’s spirit
AppleApple’s spirit
StonesStones’ spirit

Here, some people may not accept the view that even dead matters such as stones have their own spirits.

However, even such people will have to admit the fact that in the above display model, each image on the monitor has its corresponding data on the cloud database.

In the display model, the image of stones on the monitor does not move voluntarily and thus it seems that the stones displayed on the monitor are devoid of intelligence.

Nevertheless, the image of stones actually has its corresponding data on the cloud database.

The same is true of the relation between the physical world and the spirit world.

The Multiverse Revealed by Shinto Philosophy

According to Shinto philosophy, each element in the physical world has its corresponding spirit in the spirit world.

However, the time and place of an element in the physical world are not always the same as those of the corresponding spirit in the spirit world.

For example, assume that the Alice’ body is in New York at 3 p.m. in the physical world, but Alice’s mind is thinking of arriving in California at 9 p.m..

Alice’s bodyAlice’s mind
In New York at 3 p.m.In California at 9 p.m.

In this case, even if Alice’s mind is thinking of arriving in California at 9 p.m., Alice’s body may arrive there at 12 p.m. after a delay of three hours due to various factors, such as an airline strike and a traffic jam.

Mathematical Model of Shinto Multiverse

This implies that, to specify the position where Alice’s mind and body exist, it would be appropriate to introduce a new coordinate (S) in addition to the conventional spatial coordinates (X, Y, Z) and time coordinate (T) (See Fig.1).

Fig.1 The Mathematical Model of Shinto Multiverse

Here, we denote by “S” the degree of spirituality (or immateriality) of an element, where “S” can take a real number from 0 to 1 and as S approaches 1, the element is more immaterial.

For example, when S = 1, the element is in a full immaterial state, that is, the element is in the immaterial state of 100%.

On the other hand, when S = 0, the element is in a full material state, that is, the element is in the immaterial state of 0%.

Mathematical Model of ‘Mirror Law’ of Shinto Philosophy

By the way, according to Onisaburo, when an event occurred in the spirit world, the event is bound to occur in the physical world.

Mathematically describing this Onisaburo’s idea, it is considered that each element appears in the full spiritual state (S = 1) at first.

Then the state transfers to the full material state (S = 0) (See Fig.2).

Fig.2 The Mathematical Model of ‘Mirror Law’ of Shinto Philosophy

Onisaburo called such a transfer from the full spiritual state (S = 1) to the full material state (S = 0) as “the law of copy and enlargement.”

This is the crucial point of “Mirror Law” of Shinto Philosophy.

The Solution to the Mind-Body Problem

Using this mathematical model, the flow of Alice’s mind discussed above can be explained as follows (See Fig. 3).

Fig.3 The diagram of the flow of Alice’s mind

As shown in the above figure, Alice’s mind occurs in the full spiritual state (S = 1) at first and then the state transfers to the full material state (S = 0).

This transfer from the spiritual state to the material state can be compared to the flow of a river.

Here, assume that Alice is upper in a river and Bob is down in the river.

They are apart from each other and thus Alice and Bob cannot interact directly.

However, if Alice floats an apple on the right side of the river, Bob will see the same apple on the right side in the river.

On the other hand, if Alice floats an apple on the left side in the river, Bob will see the same apple on the left side in the river.

In this case, Alice and Bob do not interact directly with each other, but Alice can determine and control the position of an apple which Bob will see down in the river.

In other words, Alice can take advantage of the flow of the river to control the position of the apple down in the river without interacting directly with Bob.

Here, replace the upstream and downstream of the river with the mind and the body respectively.

Upstream of the river: The mind

Downstream of the river: The body

And then replace the position of an apple up and down in the river with workings of the mind and the body respectively.

Upstream position of the apple: Workings of the mind

Downstream position of the apple: Workings of the body

Given this perspective, you will easily understand how the mind can control the body without any interaction between them.

This is the solution to the mind-body problem according to Shinto philosophy.

The Relation with Wave Functions in Quantum Mechanics

In the simplest case of the above mathematical model, the universe is composed of two kinds of worlds, that is, the spirit world (S = 1) and the physical world (S = 0).

This model consisting of the two-world system corresponds to the Cartesian dualism.

However, in Eastern philosophy, it is considered that there are a lot of worlds depending on the different degrees of immateriality.

For example, in Buddhism, it is considered that the number of the worlds is 3000, so the Buddhist often calls the universe as “Three Thousand Worlds.”

Considering this, we can also assume an intermediate state (0 < S < 1) which is neither the full spiritual state (S = 1) nor the full material state (S = 0).

A good example of such an intermediate state is a wave function Ψ in quantum mechanics (See Fig. 4).

Fig.4 The Relation with a wave function in quantum mechanics.

As shown in the above figure, there is a flow from the full spiritual state (S = 1) to the full material state (S = 0) and wave functions exist as intermediate states between S = 1 and S = 0.

Without the flow from S = 1 to S = 0, the intermediate stats will not transfer to the full material states (S = 0).

In other words, without the flow from the spirt world to the physical world, wave functions will never collapse and the specific material state will not be realized in the physical world.

This is the explanation of the wave function collapse of the quantum mechanics according to Shinto Philosophy.

Here, it should be noted that the body does not interact with the mind, just as the material does not interact with its wave function.

In Shinto Philosophy, it is considered that the body is the another aspect of the mind.

In other words, the mind and the body are just like two sides of a coin.

So, essentially, the mind and the body cannot interact with each other, because they are the different aspects of the same entity.

The Definition of the 5th Dimension in Shinto Philosophy

From the above discussion, it will be clear that our physical world is just a mere part of the vast universe which includes multiple worlds depending on the degree of the immateriality.

Interestingly, the introduction of the new coordinate (S) corresponds to the expansion of the conventional spatial and temporal dimensions (X, Y, Z, T) (See Fig. 5).

Fig.5 The Relation between the 4 dimensions (X, Y, Z, T) and the 5th dimension (S).

Therefore, in Shinto Philosophy, it is considered that there are at least 5 dimensions in the universe.

Furthermore, it is considered that there is a flow of the 5th dimension from the spirit world to the physical world, just like the flow of the 4th dimension (time).

This is the greatest discovery of Onisaburo as a philosopher.

The flow of the 4th dimension (Time)The past
The future
The flow of the 5th dimensionThe spirit world
The physical world

Due to this flow of the 5th dimension, the mind can control the body without any interaction between them, just like the action in the past can determine the action in the future.

Furthermore, the flow of the 5th dimension is a crucial force for creating everything in the universe, because without it, wave functions will never collapse and nothing would exist in the physical world.

Amazingly, the above idea of the 5th dimension is also shown in Hitsuki Shinji, the final revelation of God.

If you are interested in the final revelation of God, please click the link below.

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Someday, the time may come when the secret of the 5th dimensional universe will be revealed.

Published on August 16, 2018

Updated on June 5, 2019

Written by OTAKUPAPA


  1. Kyotaro Deguchi (August 30, 2001). “A giant, Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  2. Kazuaki Deguchi (September 25, 1978). “Prophecies and affirmations of Nao & Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  3. Sugen Takeda (September 3, 2013). “Warning from the spirit world by Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  4. Hiroaki Izuka (2007-2018) “Reikai Monogatari Net.”
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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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