The Secret of the Spirit World Revealed by a Japanese Psychic

Have you ever thought of the following questions?

Why can psychics with second sight see the future?

How do prophets know the future?

These questions have been mysteries for a long time.


No one have found a clear answer to the these questions.


However, about 100 years ago, a Japanese psychic gave an interesting answer to these questions.


The psychic’s name is Onisaburo Deguchi (1871-1948), the greatest psychic in Japanese history.


Onisaburo was a spiritual leader of religious movement in Japan in the early 1900s.

Onisaburo Deguchi (1871-1948). 

Onisaburo had a great ability to foretell the future.


He left a voluminous amount of prophetic writings and enormous number of predictions.


Amazingly, most of his predictions came true.


According to his followers.

Onisaburo’s prediction has an accuracy of more than 95%

Actually, Onisaburo showed a great talent in reading the future.


He was a marvelous prophet and thus he received a great response in Japan in the early 1900s.


Even today, his predictions are coming true, such as Apple Watch.


If you are interested in Onisaburo’s amazing prediction of the release of Apple Watch, please click the link below.

Here, I will introduce his unique philosophy of the spirit world.

The Secret of the Spirit World Revealed by a Japanese Psychic

According to Onisaburo, the universe can be loosely divided into two kinds of worlds, that is, the real world and the spirit world.


The real world is physical and the spirit world is spiritual.


It has been considered in Western philosophy that the relation between the real world and the spirit world is parallel and they are independent from each other.


However, according to Onisaburo, the relation between the real world and the spirit world is not parallel and they are mutually dependent.


In his writing, “The Story of the Spirit World“, Onisaburo explained the relationship between the real world and the spirit world as follows.

Everything in this real world is a reflection of the counterpart in the spirit world.


In other words, the real world is the reflected image of the spirit world as the true image.


This is the reason why the real world is called as “Utsushiyo (the mirror world)” in Japanese Shinto.

Onisaburo also explained his unique philosophy by taking the following example.

For example, suppose that you take a picture of Mt. Fuji, the height of which is about 13,000 feet.


However, the size of the photographic image of Mt. Fuji is about 2 inches square only.


In this case, the photographic image corresponds to the real world.


Similarly, the real world is a kind of mirror image of the spirit world.

Mount Fuji, which is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776 m (12,400 ft). Mount Fuji is one of Japan’s “Three Holy Mountains.” It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan’s Historic Sites. It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013.

Mechanism of Prophecy

Furthermore, with regards to the mechanism of the future prediction of a psychic with second sight, Onisaburo explained as follows.

There is no sense of time in the spirit world, because it is the world beyond the time and space.


Therefore, an event, which I saw in the spirit world with second sight, may appear a few days later, 10 years later, or several hundred years later in the real world.


In some cases, I may also see an event of hundreds or thousands of years ago in the spirit world.


When I see some events in the spirit world, those events come into my second sight uniformly and in parallel, without any distinction of time and space, light and dark, up and down, small and large, broad and narrow, and so on.

According to Onisaburo, there is no time and space in the spirit world.


And, he insists that the essence of the universe lies in the spirit world as information world and the physical world is just a mirror image of the spirit world.


Thus, ultimately, there is no time and space in the universe.


The time and space are just the reflected images of some kinds of information.


This is the Onisaburo’s conclusion about the time and space that he gained from his spiritual experiences.


Interestingly, this is not an Onisaburo’s personal opinion, but a philosophy peculiar to Japanese Shinto.

A Modern Explanation of the Relation Between the Real World and the Spirit World

From a modern point of view, Onisaburo’s philosophy about the relation between the real world and the spirit world can be explained as follows.


In this explanation, assume that the spirit world corresponds to a cloud database and the real world corresponds to a monitor.


An image on the monitor is displayed based on the data of the cloud database.


You know that the image displayed on the monitor has a specific relation of time and space.


However, the data of the cloud database do not have such a specific relation of time and space, as shown in the following figure.

It is considered that there is a similar relation between the real world and the spirit world.


In this analogy, assume that the sprit world corresponds to the cloud database and the real world corresponds to the image displayed on a monitor, as shown in the following figure.

According to Onisaburo, there is a spiritual law that events occur in succession from the spiritual world to the real world.


Onisaburo called such a spiritual law that controls the relation between the spirit world and the real world as “law of reflection.”


In accordance with the spiritual law of reflection, an event which a prophet saw with his second sight in the spirit world is bound to occur in the real world.


In other words, it can said that events programmed in the spirit world appear in the real world.


This is a theoretical model of the spirit world in Shinto philosophy.


It is considered that Onisaburo discovered this philosophy through his spiritual training, but it is a conventional idea which has long been known for more than at least 100 years in Japanese Shinto philosophy.

Mechanism of Future Prediction of a Psychic with Second Sight

Using the above theoretical model of the spirit world, the mechanism of the future prediction of a psychic with second sight can be explained as follows.


Assume that you watch a video on a video hosting service, such as YouTube.


In this case, if you want to move to the end of the video, you have to drag the time/progress bar forward to the end.


However, if you can directly analyze the cloud database, which includes the original data of the video, you can know immediately the last scene of the video without dragging the time/progress bar forward to the end.


Similarly, if you can directly access the data of an event programmed in the spirit world, you can know immediately the event before it occurs in the future in the real world.


That is the reason why psychics with second sight can know the future.


By the way, I introduced in the previous post that Onisaburo’s prediction of the assassination of the Japanese Prime Minister, Takashi Hara came true.

Amazing Psychic’s Prediction of the Assassination of a Japanese Prime Minister This is a true story of a man who had an amazing ability to foretell the future with an accuracy of more than 95%.   Onisaburo Deguchi (1871-1948) is th...

Interestingly, after the assassination of Hara, a young man asked Onisaburo as follows.

What kind of ability is your second sight?

Onisaburo answered him.

It looks like a picture on a movie screen.


But, it is difficult to judge the exact time when the event will happen in this real world. 

Amazing World of Japanese Shinto Philosophy

Until now, many unique ideas have been introduced to the world as Eastern Philosophy.


Most of them are based on Buddhism and Taoism which originate from India and China respectively.


However, little is known about Shinto philosophy which originates from Japan.


Therefore, I introduced here some of the unique ideas of Japanese Shinto philosophy.


Published on June 20, 2018

Updated on March 31, 2019

Written by OTAKUPAPA


  1. Kyotaro Deguchi (August 30, 2001). “A giant, Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  2. Sugen Takeda (September 3, 2013). “Warning from the spirit world by Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  3. Shinichi Nakaya (August 5, 1993) “The truth of the drastic reform of the universe by Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  4. Hiroaki Izuka (2007-2018) “Reikai Monogatari Net.”
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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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