Amazing God’s Plan for Total Destruction of the Empire of Japan

This is a true story of a man who had an amazing ability to foretell the future with an accuracy of more than 95%.


Deguchi Onisaburo (1871-1948) was the greatest psychic in Japan.


He was a spiritual leader of religious movement in Japan in the early 1900s.

Deguchi Onisaburo (1871-1948). 

He left a voluminous amount of prophetic writings.


According to some of his followers,

Onisaburo’s prediction accuracy is more than 95%

And his predictions are coming true even today.

A Weird Declaration by Shinto God

According to Japanese Shinto Philosophy, it is considered,

Everything in the universe has a similarity relation

Thus, each element in the universe influences each other in accordance with a spiritual law based on the similarity relation.


Onisaburo called such a spiritual law as “Mirror Law” or “Copy Law.”


One day, Shinto God, Ushitora no Konjin (Golden God of Northeast) possessed Nao Deguchi (1836–1918), the founder of Oomoto religion and then declared as follows:

Write down what happens in Oomoto to all the little details such as a drop of chopsticks.

Nao Deguchi (1836–1918), the founder of Oomoto religion. She was possessed by Shinto God “Ushitora no Konjin (Golden God of Northeast)” and made predictions the outbreaks of the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War and the World War I and II.

Golden God made the above declaration to demonstrate that the universe has a similarity relation and everything in the universe influences each other in accordance with the Mirror Law.


According to Golden God, what happened in Oomoto will also happen to the Empire of Japan according to Mirror Law.


Most Japanese were astonished at the weird declaration of Golden God, but they did not believe in the Mirror Law.


However, contrary to their expectations, the Golden God’s declaration later became a full reality.


Actually, just as Golden God declared, there were curious similar relations between Oomoto and the Empire of Japan.

The Breakout of World War II

In 1912, Onisaburo drew a bow in a garden of Oomoto everyday.


He told his followers why he drew a bow everyday as follows.

You wonder why I draw a bow everyday like this.


It is because that God ordered me to make the original mold of the world.


The world will develop based on the original mold according to the Mirror Law.


So, it’s inevitable the war will break out.


And that war may be a world war.

According to Onisaburo, he made an original mold of a war in Oomoto by drawing a bow.


Then, the original mold will be copied and amplified to the Empire of Japan in accordance with the Mirror Law.


As Onisaburo said, the Empire of Japan drew a bow against the United States.


And the war spread across the world to become World War II.

The Attack on Pearl Harbor

On December 8, 1935, Oomoto was suppressed by the authority of the Empire of Japan for lese majesty.


The authority considered that Onisaburo plotted treason against the Emperor Hirohito and the Empire of Japan.


Thus, the police made a raid on the facilities of Oomoto at Ayabe and Kameoka in Kyoto and a Matsue branch by Lake Shinji in Shimane.


At that time, Onisaburo stayed at the Matsue branch and he was arrested by the police there.


In accordance with the Mirror Law, what happened in Oomoto will happen to the Empire of Japan.


Actually, on December 8, 1941, exactly six years later, the Imperial Japanese Navy airplanes made an air raid on Pearl Harbor.

USS Arizona burning after a Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor

Curiously enough, Pearl Harbor is pronounced as “Shinju wan” in Japanese.


It is very similar to the pronunciation of Lake “Shinji” where the authority made a raid on Onisaburo.

The Rise of Japanese Militarism

Furthermore, on July 22, 1934, Onisaburo established “Showa Shinsei Kai (Showa Holy Society)” which was intended to organize a rightish coalition of Oomoto.


Then, on July 22, 1940, exactly six years later, the second Konoe cabinet was inaugurated.


And the Prime Minister Konoe established the Imperial Rule Assistance Association which was intended to organize a Japanese fascist coalition.

Establishment of Imperial Rule Assistance Association

The celebration for establishing the Imperial Rule Assistance Association was held at Kudan Kaikan Hall (former Army Hall).


Curiously enough, Showa Shinsei Kai had also been established at Kudan Kaikan Hall.


In addition to that, Konoe appointed Hideki Tojo, a hard-line militarist as Army Minister.


On the other hand, Onisaburo had appointed Ryohei Uchida, a Japanese ultranationalist political theorist as a Vice General.

Hideki Tojo (1984-1948), the 27th Prime Minisuter of Japan during much of World War II. As Prime Minister, he was responsible for ordering the attack on Pearl Harbor, which initiated war between Japan and the United States.

Air Raids on Japan

Furthermore, on April 18, 1936, the authority plundered Oomoto’s property at Ayabe and Kameoka.


At that time, all of the main facilities of Oomoto were completely destroyed.


By a curious coincidence, on April 18, 1942, exactly six years later, sixteen B-25B bombers were launched from the U.S. Navy’s aircraft carrier USS Hornet.


And they bombed military and industrial targets in Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka in Japan.

B-29 Superfortress bombers dropping incendiary bombs on Yokohama during May 1945

After that, strategic bombing raids began and allied forces conducted many air raids on Japan, causing extensive destruction to the major cities in Japan.

Japanese cities attacked by B-29 bombers during World War II

A B-29 over Osaka on 1 June 1945

Aerial view of Tokyo following the war

Part of Shizuoka after it was firebombed on 19 June 1945

As a result, all of the main cities in Japan were completely destroyed.

Occupation of Japan

On September 8, 1945, the Supreme Court acquitted Onisaburo.


After that, on September 8, 1951, exactly six years later, the San Francisco Peace Treaty was officially signed between Japan and the Allied Powers.


The treaty officially ended the American-led Allied Occupation of Japan.

Yoshida and members of the Japanese delegation sign the Treaty

Furthermore, Onisaburo was imprisoned from December 8, 1935 to August 7, 1942 when he got paroled.


The period of time when Onisaburo was imprisoned is 6 years and 8 months.


On the other hand, Japan was under Allied occupation from August 28, 1945 (when 150 US personnel flew to Atsugi, Kanagawa) to April 27, 1952 (the day before the San Francisco Peace Treaty was effective).


That is, the period of time when Japan was under Allied occupation is also 6 years and 8 months.


Strangely enough, in each case, the period is the same 2,435 days including two leap-year days.


Also, the period of time from the day of the authority’s raid on Oomoto to the day of September 8, 1945 (when the Supreme Court acquitted Onisaburo) is 9 years and 9 months.


On the other hand, the period of time from the outbreak of the Pacific War to the day of September 8, 1951 (when the San Francisco Peace Treaty was officially signed) is 9 years and 9 months.

Uncanny Coincidences between Oomoto and the Empire of Japan

Now, I summarized the major incidents happened in Oomoto and the Empire of Japan in the following table.



The Empire of Japan


Onisaburo organized a rightish coalition



6 years later


The 2nd Konoe cabinet organized a fascist coalition


The authority made a raid on Onisaburo



6 years later


Japanese Navy airplanes made an air raid on Pearl Harbor


The authority began to destroy the facilities of Oomoto



6 years later


Allied air raids began on Japanese cities


The Supreme Court acquitted Onisaburo



6 years later


The San Francisco Peace Treaty was officially ended the Occupation of Japan

As shown in the above table, there is no longer any doubt about the uncanny coincidence between Oomoto and the Empire of Japan.


You can see that just 6 years after each event happened in Oomoto, the similar event happened to the Empire of Japan too.


Amazingly, the above coincidences happened four times, which goes beyond the realm of normal probability.


Japanese spiritual researchers consider that this is the demonstration of Golden God to show the everything in the universe has a similarity relation.


Therefore, if the Mirror Law really exists in the universe, your fate may also be affected by someone else’s fate.


Published on July 29, 2018

Updated on April 17, 2019

Written by OTAKUPAPA


  1. Kyotaro Deguchi (August 30, 2001). “A giant, Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  2. Kazuaki Deguchi (September 25, 1978). “Prophecies and affirmations of Nao & Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  3. Sugen Takeda (September 3, 2013). “Warning from the spirit world by Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  4. Hiroaki Izuka (2007-2018) “Reikai Monogatari Net.”
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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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