Amazing Future Technologies Predicted by a Japanese Psychic 100 Years Ago

Do you want to know the future?

Recently, many alleged time travelers from the future, such as John Titor, have made  predictions about the future world that they came from.


As you know, most of their predictions were way off the mark.


Thus, is it impossible to know the future?


It is still too early to conclude that we cannot know the future, because there was a real prophet in the world.

Onisaburo Deguchi, a Japanese Psychic 100 Years Ago

About 100 years ago, a Japanese psychic made a huge number of predictions.


Amazingly, most of his predictions came true.


For example, he predicted the outbreaks of the two world wars, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan’s defeat in the WWII and so on.


His name is Deguchi Onisaburo (1871-1948), a spiritual leader of religious movement in Japan in the early 1900s.

Deguchi Onisaburo (1871-1948)

Onisaburo left a voluminous amount of prophetic writings.


According to Japanese psychic researchers,

Onisaburo’s prediction accuracy is more than 95%

Even more surprisingly, some of the Onisaburo’s predictions are coming true even today.


Actually, 100 years ago, Onisaburo predicted the development of the modern technologies, such as Apple Watch, multicopter, maglev and so on.


If you are interested in Onisaburo’s amazing prediction of the release of Apple Watch, please click the link below.

Kyotaro Deguchi, a grandchild of Onisaburo, gave a talk on the subject of “The Future Prediction of Onisaburo Deguchi” all over Japan from 1977 to 1978.


In this talk, Kyotaro introduced some of the amazing predictions that Onisaburo left about the future society.


Interestingly, Onisaburo’s predictions covered a wide field including world wars, technologies, society, politics and economics of the future.


Here, I would like to introduce some of the Onisaburo’s future predictions of technologies including already fulfilled one.

Prediction 1: Manned Lunar Landing

Already in the prewar periods, Onisaburo predicted the manned lunar landing.


Actually, one of his followers said as follows.

When I visited Onisaburo during the World War II, he told me,


‘Men will visit the moon in the future.’


I couldn’t believe what he said at that time.


I thought, that shouldn’t happen.


However, after the war, when U.S. astronauts landed on the moon, I really felt how marvelous Onisaburo’s power of prediction was!

Prediction 2: Future Airplanes

Onisaburo also made predictions about future airplanes.


Onisaburo told future airplanes to Mr. Himura in a discussion meeting.


You said, airplanes will fall into disuse in the Maitreya age(a time of great peace and prosperity in the future).


Yes, they will, because new flying devices will be developed at that time.


Those flying devices will be a far superior to conventional airplanes.


They will operate on a new principle totally different from that of modern airplanes.

About this future airplanes, Onisaburo also predicted as follows.

Airplanes that never crash will be developed in the future.

Onisaburo called such a future flying device as “Amano Hagoromo,” in his writings, “The Story of the Spirit World.”


In Volume 14, Chapter 8 of the writings, Onisaburo described the world of the 24th century.


In this description, a character who lives in the 24th century says as follows.

You cannot understand what I said, because you still cling to an old-way of thinking as in primitive times.


But, we are living in the 24th century now.


What do you think about today’s world?


You know, we are living in a time when both of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Land of Happiness have been fully realized.


Airplane and airship have already become out of date.


Instead, an ingenious and unique flying device called as “Amano Hagoromo (robe-of-feathers)” was invented.


You know, the train travels through the air at 500 miles per hour.


Lotus flowers are in full broom beautifully and flourishing.


A Utopia of indescribable beauty has opened before our eyes.

Prediction 3: Revival of Barter Trade System

Furthermore, Onisaburo made predictions of the future monetary system.

Monetary system will be unified into one system and barter trade system will also come into use.

Today, it appears unlikely that barter trade system will come back.


However, the combination of the spread of virtual currency and the development of AI technology may bring back the use of barter trade system.


It is because that all of the problems in the conventional barter trade system can be overcome through the introduction of AI technologies and virtual currency.


To understand that, suppose that Alice want to make a trade of her used guitar for someone else’s used laptop.


In the conventional barter trade system, it was difficult to find a desired partner.

However, the development of global network enabled us to easily find a desired partner.

As the second problem in the conventional barter trade system, it was difficult to appraise the proper price of used articles.


To overcome this problem, AI appraisal system utilizing big-data analysis may enable us to know the proper price of used articles.

As the third problem in the conventional barter trade system, there is little chance that the used article of Alice and that of Bob are equivalent.


It is more often the case that the their used articles are not equivalent.


However, the difference in price can be compensated by virtual currency.


For example, suppose that the price of Alice’s used guitar is higher than that of Bob’s used laptop.


In this case, in exchange for her used guitar, Alice can receive Bob’s used laptop plus the virtual currency corresponding to the price difference between their used articles.


Unified virtual currency system would also facilitate the realization of workable deals in the modern barter trade system.

Furthermore, delivery drones would support direct dealing between Alice and Bob without delivery companies.


In this way, the state-of-the-art technologies may help revive the barter trade system.


Therefore, Onisaburo’s prediction that the barter trade system will be revived in the future is not a pipe dream.

Gold Mine of Novel Business Ideas

As described above, Onisburo’s predictions of the future provide us with wealth of clues for novel business ideas.


Indeed, Onisaburo stood out for creativity among the Japanese of his time.


Remember that many of his prediction has come true, such as Apple Watch, multicoptors, maglev and so on.


In other words, it can be said that there is a high possibility that the future technologies predicted by Onisaburo will prevail in the future, because his prediction accuracy is more than 95%.


Therefore, by getting ideas from Onisaburo’s predictions, you may become a billionaire in the future, such as Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos.


Published on July 8, 2018

Updated on April 10, 2019

Written by OTAKUPAPA


  1. Kyotaro Deguchi (August 30, 2001). “A giant, Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  2. Sugen Takeda (September 3, 2013). “Warning from the spirit world by Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  3. Hiroaki Izuka (2007-2018) “Reikai Monogatari Net.”
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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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