Bunjiro KAWATE (1814 – 1883): The Strange Fate of a Man Whose 5 Family Members Were Killed by a Divine Curse (Japanese Mystery Case #0008)

Bunjiro (far right) interceding for the words of Konjin, a god, and Konkokyo followers listening to him. From Konko Oyasama Goeden by Katei Watanabe.

In this article, I would like to introduce the bizarre life of a Japanese man who had five family members killed by a divine curse, but later became an intercessor for the god and saved many people from hardship through the power of divine miracles.

The Strange Life of a Man Whose Five Family Members Were Killed by a Divine Curse

Early Life of Bunjiro Kawate

Bunjiro Kawate (川手文治郎) (1814-1883) was born the second son of Juhei Kandori and Shimo Kandori, farmers in Urami Village, Asaguchi-goori, Bicchu Province ( present-day Konko-cho, Asaguchi City, Okayama Prefecture), Japan.

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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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