Amazing Japanese Psychic’s Prophecy Inspired by Golden Dragon God

This is a true story of a man who had an amazing ability to foretell the future with an accuracy of more than 95%.


Onisaburo Deguchi (1871-1948) is the greatest psychic in Japan.


He was a spiritual leader of religious movement in Japan in the early 1900s.

Deguchi Onisaburo (1871-1948) left a voluminous amount of prophetic writings and made a lot of future predictions. It is said that more than 95% of his predictions came true.

Onisaburo had a great ability to foretell the future.


He wrote a voluminous amount of prophetic writings and left enormous number of predictions.


Amazingly, most of his predictions came true.


According to his followers,

Onisaburo’s prediction came true with an accuracy of more than 95%

Actually, Onisaburo showed a great talent in reading the future.


He was a marvelous prophet and thus he received a great response in Japan in the early 1900s.


Even today, some of his predictions are coming true, such as the release of Apple Watch, the development of Maglev and multiroters.


If you are interested in Onisaburo’s amazing prediction of the release of Apple Watch, please click the link below.

Therefore, Onisaburo has great influence on Japanese spiritual culture even now.

A Genius Prophet Was Not Understood by Ordinary People

However, Onisaburo was not always understood by ordinary people.


Actually, Onisaburo showed an unusual power to see the future, but ordinary people could not understand what he saw.


Ordinary people often considered the future predicted by Onisaburo as impossible to realize.


Additionally, Onisaburo was well known for his mysterious behaviors due to his incredible ability to see the future.


Therefore, Onisaburo’s behavior often gave rise to suspicion and distrust of ordinary people.


Here, I would like to introduce one of the difficulties between a genius prophet and ordinary people.

Amazing Japanese Psychic’s Prophecy Inspired by Golden Dragon God

One day, Onisaburo ordered his followers to dig a pond, Ryugu Otohime Pond.


Ryugu Otohime means a princess of a dragon’s palace.


Onisaburo told his followers that he had a revelation of Golden Dragon God.


According to the revelation, if they dig a site designated by Golden Dragon God, the site would be filled with water to form a pond.


However, the followers could not believe that such a revelation would be fulfilled, because the designated site was in an upland stony area where the sweet potatoes were grown.


Nevertheless, Onisaburo urged them to dig a pond.


So, they unwillingly tried to dig the designated site.


Just like they thought, the ground of the designated site was very stony.

No matter how deeply they dug, it seemed very unlikely that the spring water would come out.


The other people of their town looked and laughed at the digging work of Onisaburo and his followers.

Why are they trying to dig a pond up there, without a drop of water?

There is no way water comes up digging there.

They must be stupid!

Nevertheless, the followers sweated blood as volunteers until they were all worn out.


However, they could not find even a drop of water.


They were in despair.


Everyone thought that their work would result in sterile effort.

Onisaburo’s wife, Sumi could not put up with such a useless activity.


One day, she asked Onisaburo, 

Would you tell me why we have to do such a pointless thing?

Onisaburo replied to his wife, 

We are digging here, because God told me to do so.


So, stop your grumbling!


Just do it as God told us!

However, Sumi could not understand his reply that God ordered them to dig a pond.


Thus, she retorted to Onisaburo,

You know, we have become the laughingstock of the whole town, since you ordered us to do such a silly thing to dig a pond in the ground without any water!


How silly of you!


You are crazy!

Onisaburo said to Sumi in a soothing tone.

Well, just you wait and see, Sumi.


You’ll understand it one day, for sure.

A Conflict between a Genius Psychic and Ordinary People

A few days later, Onisburo was going to leave for Kyoto-Osaka area.


But just before leaving, he reminded his followers repeatedly to keep digging the pond.


Sumi was amazed by Onisaburo’s persistency.

It’s no use trying to dig that pond!


There’s no way the pond would be completed without any water!


I don’t know what he is thinking.

So, she stopped supervising the followers’s work while Onisaburo’s was out of town.


Sumi thought that it was silly to waste their time on such a pointless work.


She could not understand why her husband ordered them to keep digging a pond in the ground without any water.


She did not think that her husband’s prediction would be realized.


It was absolutely impossible!


However, as soon as Onisaburo returned to Ayabe town, he went to see the pond to check the progress of their work in spite of the midnight.


Onisaburo got into a fury to know that they have not made any progress since last time.

I’ve told you to keep digging the pond millions of times up to now, but you’re not even halfway through!


You are hopelessly incompetent!


You all get out of here!


There is no time to lose!

So, Onisaburo fired them up.


Then, the followers built a fire at the designated site for all-night work.


Men and women of all ages were mobilized to make a rush job.

After the hard work for many hours through the night, they finally completed a pond without water.

You made it!


Great job!

Onisaburo was satisfied with their work.


However, they had no clue what is the point in building an empty pond without any water.

Fulfilled Onisaburo’s Prophecy

Strangely enough, soon after that, a town mayor visited Onisaburo and his followers.


The town mayor was in company with big names of Ayabe town.


The followers were surprised at their sudden visit.


The town mayor asked Onisaburo and his followers.

Sorry for the short notice.


But, for fire protection water work of the town, we have to draw water from the mountain over there.


So, we have to build a water channel through your site.


Of course, I know it’s sudden.


But we ask for your cooperation to prevent possible disasters in Ayabe town.


We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

All of the followers were surprised again to hear the town mayor’s sudden request.


For the first time, they really knew the Onisaburo’s true intention.


Needless to say, they were also amazed by Onisaburo’s extraordinary ability to predict the future.


In this way, an empty pond was filled with a large amount of water from the mountain.

The pond was called as Kinryukai meaning The Sea of Golden Dragon.


The water from the pond flowed into Ayabe town.


Thus, the Onisaburo’s prophecy inspired by Golden Dragon God was fulfilled.


Published on June 30, 2018

Updated on March 20, 2019

Written by OTAKUPAPA


  1. Kyotaro Deguchi (August 30, 2001). “A giant, Onisaburo Deguchi.”
  2. Kazuaki Deguchi (September 25, 1978). “Prophecies and affirmations of Nao & Onisaburo Deguchi.”
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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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