Shocking Future Prediction by a Man Who Traveled in Time to the Future during Near-Death Experience

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This is a true story of a man who traveled in time to the future during a near-death experience.

Tsuruhiko Kiuchi (born 1954) is a Japanese comet hunter and writer.

Tsuruhiko Kiuchi (born 1954), a Japanese comet hunter and writer. 

As a comet hunter, Kiuchi discovered Comet Cernis-Kiuchi-Nakamura (1990b) and Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i).

Kiuchi also rediscovered Comet Metcalf-Brewington (1906VI=97P/1906 V2) and Comet Swift-Tuttle (109P/Swift-Tuttle).

Perseid meteor, originating from Comet Swift-Tuttle, from the ISS

Thus, Kiuchi was famous as a Japanese amateur astronomer hunting comets around the world.

By the way, Kiuchi is also well-known for his amazing near-death experience.

Before he became a comet hunter, Kiuchi worked for Japan Air Self-Defense Force as a flight dispatcher of aeronautical operational control in Hyakuri Air Base in Omitama, Ibaragi, Japan.

Hyakuri Air Base

At the age of 22, when he finished a night work in the airport control tower of the air base, Kiuchi was struck down with excruciating pain in his abdomen.

He was diagnosed with superior mesenteric artery duodenal obstruction which was known as a critical illness.

At that time, no one had ever survived the disease before.

However, 30 minutes after having pronounced dead, Kiuchi miraculously revived.

Surprisingly, after he revived, Kiuchi told doctors an amazing near-death experience of seeing a tunnel like cave, a huge river, a field of flowers and the reunion with deceased relatives.

Later, Kiuchi published some books about the amazing near-death experience and those books hit the bestseller list in Japan.

If you are interested in the details of the Kiuchis amazing near-death experience, please click the link below.

By the way, Kiuchi gained a time traveling ability through the near-death experience.

Actually, Kiuchi traveled back in time to the past when he was 6 years old to solve a mystery that had been bothering him for a long time.

If you are interested in the details of the Kiuchis amazing time travel back in time during the near-death experience, please click the link below.

Furthermore, Kiuchi traveled back in time 100 years ago.

If you are interested in the details of the Kiuchis amazing time travel back in time 100 years ago during the near-death experience, please click the link below.

After that, Kiuchi also traveled to the future.

Here, I will introduce Kiuchi’s amazing time travel to the future during the near-death experience.

Man Traveled to the Future during Near-Death Experience

After he returned to the hospital room from the past, Kiuchi thought of traveling to the future.

Now that I have teleporting ability to travel freely beyond time and space, I might be able to travel to the future.

Then, he tried to imagine the future.

Unlike past or present events, it is difficult to imagine uncertain future events which are yet to happen.

Nevertheless, Kiuchi attempted to imagine the future vividly as possible as he could.

Then, suddenly, he teleported to the future.

Kiuchi found himself in a spacious room, the floor of which was covered with straw mats.

In the room, about 30 people were seated at a horseshoe-shaped table.

They were all listening intently to a speaker wearing a gray shirt.

The room had a handsome alcove where a bright red hanging scroll with geometric designs was displayed.

It appeared that the hanging scroll was a museum-quality retro one.

Kiuchi was just below the ceiling of the room and he looked down the whole room at an angle of about 45 degrees.

Who is speaking?

Kiuchi moved toward to the speaker to have a close look at him.

When looking into the speaker’s face, he was amazed.


The speaker was his future self in his middle age!

In the speech, his future self was talking about stars.

Kiuchi does not remember the details of the speech, but from the way the speaker talked, it seemed that it was a very important meeting.

If this is actually my future, I should come back to life again.

Kiuchi was happy to see his future self, as it meant that he could survive at least by middle age.

The Future Came True

Amazingly, this future has already become reality.

18 years after he had the near-death experience at 22, 40-year-old Kiuchi was invited to speak at the World Future Generation Forum which was held in Mt. Koya.

The venue for the forum was Shojo-Shinin which was a Buddhist temple and a dorter.

Curiously, when he entered the temple, Kiuchi had an experience of intense déjà vu.

Kiuchi visited Mt. Koya for the first time, but he began to feel nostalgic for some reason.

Maybe, I will speech in the spacious straw matted room with a horseshoe-shaped table.

Kiuchi was excited with the anticipation of realizing the vision which he had seen 18 years before during the near-death experience.

However, the room that he entered was different from what he saw during the near-death experience in the layout.

Actually, the picture of a hanging scroll on a wall of an alcove was also different.

Was that just my imagination?

Kiuchi was really disappointed to learn that the vision which he had seen 18 years ago was all in his mind.

After that, in the evening, the sliding door of the room was opened.

The door leads into the room assigned for the speech venue.

Kiuchi was startled to see the room through the door.

Oh, my goodness!

It was exactly the same room as he visited during the near-death experience!

Kiuchi was not expecting the sliding door to lead to the speech venue.

It was spacious room covered with straw mats.

Also, there was a horseshoe-shaped table in the room.

In addition, the room had a handsome alcove where a bright red hanging scroll with geometric designs was displayed.

Everything was exactly the same as what he had seen during the near-death experience.

The strange coincidence gave him goose bumps.

Then, Kiuchi tried to search among his recollections to find out the other common features as what he had seen during the near-death experience.

Now I remember.

At that time, the speaker was wearing a gray shirt!

Then, he looked down at his polo shirt.

It was green, not gray.

After all, there is no way everything could be exactly the same…

Feeling a little disappointed, Kiuchi stood on a platform for the speech.


He stared at his chest in amazement.

Exposed to an overhead fluorescent light, his green polo shirt turned gray!

Everything was exactly the same!

The future I saw during the near-death experience came true in all respects!

In this way, the future which he saw during the near-death experience came true with complete correspondence.

That is, it was verified that Kiuchi traveled in time to the future during the near-death experience!

Kiuchi Traveled in Time to a More Distant Future

By the way, Kiuchi also traveled in time to a more distant future during the near-death experience.

This distant future was really strange.

Like a doubly exposed film, he saw a vision of two different future images overlapped.

A Peaceful Image of the Future

In one of the images, his future self in his old age saw stars through a telescope with children.

In this future, old Kiuchi enjoyed talking with the children about stars.

It was a really peaceful future.

A Devastating Image of the Future

On the other hand, in the other image, Kiuchi saw a devastating future.

In this future, his future self in his old age trudged in a daze through a ruined city.

Kiuchi had no idea what happened to his future self in this devastating future.

He saw littered corpses that were hideously burned beyond recognition.

And wounded people were lying down on the street.

His old future self walked on helplessly among the dead and wounded people.

Kiuchi had a sense of foreboding from the horrible sight.

Which image of the future would be realized?

The peaceful future will be realized?

Or, an ominous future will be realized?

A interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

Probably, this future may have yet to be decided.

According to many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, the “best” and the “worst” futures are in different branches of the universe.

The quantum-mechanical “Schrödinger’s cat” theorem according to the many-worlds interpretation. In this interpretation, every event is a branch point; the cat is both alive and dead, but the “alive” and “dead” cats are in different branches of the universe.

According to Kiuchi, we have two choices about our future, since he saw the two kinds of future images during the near-death experience, that is, the “peaceful” future and the “devastating” future.

Kiuchi says,

Perhaps, the future is in our hands and our fate is up to us.

It may be my mission to warn people not to make a mistake in the future.

Kiuchi thinks that it is the reason why he miraculously came to life.

So, he gave us a warning as follows.

If we act for the global environment protection, the peaceful future will be realized.

On the other hand, if we act in insatiable manner from selfish motives, the devastating future will be realized.


The future is up to us.

Our own way of doing things greatly changes our future.

This is the message from Kiuchi.

We should listen to him carefully, because the future he saw during the near-death experience once came true.

Published on January 6, 2019

Updated on May 15, 2020

Written by OTAKUPAPA


  1. Tsuruhiko Kiuchi (November 1995). “The memory of the space.”
  2. Tsuruhiko Kiuchi (April 2003). “The starry heavens teach our way of living.”
  3. Tsuruhiko Kiuchi (May 23, 2014). “My near-death experience teach the structure of the universe.”
  4. Tsuruhiko Kiuchi In Wikipedia.

If you are interested in the other amazing stories of Tsuruhiko Kiuchi, please click the link below.

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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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