How to Master Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki Method in Just 5 Days of Training [Part 1]

This is a true method for developing amazing Reiki healing ability to cure any disease in just 5 days of training.

Kaiji Tomita was a Japanese man living in Osaka in Japan in the Taisho era (1912-1926).

Kaiji Tomita

Tomita learned the original Reiki directly from Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki at the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Therapy Society).

If you are interested in the details of the amazing life of Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, please click the link below.

After that, in order to spread Reiki in Japan, Tomita opened his clinic in front of Ichioka Junior High School (the current Ichioka High School) in Minato-ku, Osaka, where he established the “Tomita Hands-on Healing.”

Source Maximilian Dörrbecker (Chumwa) – Own work

Amazingly, Tomita gained a miraculous healing power to cure all kinds of diseases in only 10 hours of Reiki training.

So far, I have introduced the therapeutic effects of Kaiji Tomita’s amazing Reiki therapy in a series of 12 articles.

Surprisingly, according to Tomita, this ability to heal Reiki is inherent in all humans, and anyone can manifest it if they train in the right procedures.

By the way, how can we develop an amazing Reiki healing ability like Tomita’s?

Fortunately, Tomita described in considerable detail how to develop his Reiki healing abilities in his book “Reiki to Jinjutsu: Tomita-Style Hand Therapy.” which was published in 1933.

In this post, I would like to introduce Kaiji Tomita’s method for developing amazing Reiki healing ability to cure any disease in just 5 days of training.

Why Do People Who Pray to God and Buddha Get Healed?

Since ancient times, people have prayed morning and evening to the gods and Buddha and wished their families good health.

When we pray to God and Buddha, we put our palms together, and this is very significant.

According to Tomita, when we put our hands together in prayer, our hearts are corrected, which in turn generates some spiritual power in our hands.

Also, the Japanese people of those days who prayed to God and Buddha in the morning and evening were always in good health because the act of putting hands in prayer unknowingly produced a therapeutic effect from Reiki generated by their palms.

Interestingly, people who pray often rejoice in the healing of their minds and bodies, which they attribute to the blessings of God and Buddha, but Tomita points out that this is actually due to the self-Reiki effect.

Because of the healing effects of this self-Reiki effect, people have been performing the act of putting hands in prayer to God and Buddha for thousands of years since ancient times.

Here, if we can take it a step further and consciously take advantage of the great self-Reiki effect produced by putting hands together, the benefits to human society would be immeasurable, wouldn’t they?

And this is the motivation and starting point of Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki therapy.

How to Practice Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki Therapy

The first step in Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki therapy is to emit Reiki from the palms of your hands (called Hatsurei).

And the second step is to cure the disease by placing your palm, which emits Reiki, on the area of the disease.

The specific methods of practicing Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki Therapy are as follows.

To learn Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki Therapy, you must first sit calmly and quietly (called Seiza) to unify your body and mind.

Ideally, you should choose a quiet place to sit, but it is also advisable to sit at night when it is quiet.

When sitting, the following points should be noted.

[Step 1] Sit in a Posture That Doesn’t Put Pressure on Your Belly

Tomita recommends sitting in the Japanese seiza-style as shown in Figure 1, but any sitting style is acceptable as long as it does not put pressure on the Tanden (corresponding to the Lower Dantian in Chinese).

Fig. 1 Sitting in the Japanese seiza-style and putting the hands together.


[Step 2] Sit With Your Back Straight and Upright

The spine should be as vertical as possible, as shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2 Sit with your back straight and upright.

This straightening of your back allows you to sit calmly and quietly for long periods of time.

However, you shouldn’t force your spine to be vertical.

[Step 3] Close Your Eyes During the Practice

If you open your eyes during the practice, you will be distracted and find it difficult to unify your mind.

Therefore, it is better to close your eyes to prevent distractions during the practice.

By sitting in calmly and quietly and unifying your mind, you feel a spiritual force, or Reiki, easily generated in your body.

[Step 4] Put Your Hands Together

The next step is to gather the Reiki generated in your body into the palms of your hands by putting hands together.

Relax your shoulders and elbows and bring your palms together, as shown in Figure 3.

The shoulders should be lowered downward in a relaxed manner, with the elbows lightly touching the armpits to support your hands.

The five fingers of your hand should be together, and the palms of your hands should be lightly touching each other as if you were placing a piece of soft cotton between them.

[Step 5] Purify Your Mind

After sitting calmly and quietly and putting your hands together, the next step is to purify your spirit and unify your mind.

To help purify your mind, Tomita suggests chanting the following waka poem written by Emperor Meiji in your mind.

Emperor Meiji (1888)

A Waka Poem by Emperor Meiji

It is the Yamato spirit of Shikishima (pure and steadfast spirit) that we must not give up under any circumstances.

I wish my mind was as clear as the vast, light green sky.

Where will the ants go on the road burned in the glorious sunshine??

No matter how steep the peaks rise high in the sky, there is a natural way to climb them, as long as you climb them.

Look at a stone that has been beaten by raindrops for a long time and has been dented, and you will understand that you should never give up on something, no matter how hard it is, because you think it’s impossible.

There is no danger, even if it is a long way, if you are going the right way for a human being to go.

Those who criticize others for good or bad are blind to their own faults. 

But you should watch and learn from others, both good and bad, and refine your spirit.

It can be said that Emperor Meiji’s waka poem is a poem about the importance that you should cultivate a pure and steadfast spirit that never gives up, no matter how many times you fail and no matter what difficulties you encounter.

Mikao Usui’s Five Precepts

By the way, many Reiki practitioners now chant the Five Precepts of Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, to purify their minds.

Mikao Usui (1865 – 1926)

In teaching people, therefore, Usui, first of all, took the legacy of Emperor Meiji to heart and had them recite the following Five Precepts in the morning and evening to keep them in mind.

The secret method to bring happiness

An elixir to cure all diseases

At least for today, don’t be angry,

don’t worry, be thankful,

work diligently, be kind to people.

Put your hands together morning and evening and pray in your heart and chant these words out.

For mental and physical improvement.  Usui Reiki Therapy

The founder

Mikao Usui

This is indeed a great lesson in the cultivation of life, and it is the same law that taught and enjoined by the saints and sages of old.

In the morning and evening, by sitting upright in prayer and reciting the Five Precepts, we can cultivate a pure heart and go about our daily activities with a peaceful mind.

Therefore, Usui believed that these Five Precepts were the secret way to bring happiness to people and the elixir to cure all diseases.

Mikao Usui’s Five Precepts:

Kyou dake wa (At least for today)

(1) Oko ru na (Don’t be angry)

(2) Sinpai suru na (Don’t worry)

(3) Kansya si te (Be thankful)

(4) Gyou wo hageme (Work diligently )

(5) Hito ni sinsetsu ni (Be kind to people )

As described above, Usui Mikao’s Five Precepts can be said to be the essence of the above Emperor Meiji’s Waka poem, which is very simple and easy to remember, so Reiki learners may try to recite the Five Precepts instead of the above Emperor Meiji’s Waka poem.

[Step 6] Generate Reiki 

Once your mind has been purified by the above methods, you should try to maintain that purity of mind and continue to sit calmly and quietly.

Then your mind will naturally become pure and warmth will be generated in both of your palms.

Tomita calls this warmth generated in the palms “Rei netsu (spiritual heat).”

Furthermore, as your body and mind harmonize, you will feel not only warmth, but also a light, tingling sensation in the palms of your hands, like static electricity (which Tomita calls “something like radio waves” or “spiritual waves”).

This combination of warmth and spiritual waves generated in your palms is “Reiki” emanating from your palms and is a key element of Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki therapy.

At first, you may only feel a weak sensation of Reiki in your palms, but as you learn to sit more calmly and quietly, you will feel that Reiki sensation more strongly.

According to Tomita, these Reiki sensations in the palms of your hands are sensitive as your mind and body harmonize, but have a tendency to disappear spontaneously when your mind and body are out of harmony.

As for tips for sitting calmly and quietly, Tomita says that we should pay attention to the following:

(i) In order to harmonize the body and mind, keep your mind in the center of the body, or Tanden, during sitting calmly and quietly.

(ii) You must develop the power of harmony of mind and body so that your mind will not be disturbed by anything you encounter.

As your ability to harmonize your body and mind is developed, the amount of Reiki emanating from your palms also increases.

Therefore, by harmonizing your physical and mental states by sitting calmly and quietly, you can increase the amount of Reiki that emanates from your palms.

How Long Should You Practice For in a Day?

According to Tomita, the ideal amount of time for a single sitting session is about one hour.

However, for those who are not used to sitting, it is impossible to sit for an hour.

So it is best to start with a few ten minutes and then extend the time as you get used to it.

Once you start practicing emitting Reiki, you should practice it for five to seven days in a row, because practicing at intervals is not very effective.

(Continue to “How to Master Kaiji Tomita’s Reiki Method in Just 5 Days of Training” [Part 2])


  1. Kaiji Tomita (February 1933). “Reiki To Jinjutsu: Tomita-Style Hands-on Therapy.”

Published on October 10, 2020

Written by OTAKUPAPA

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A dad blogger who loves manga, anime, games. In this blog, I will introduce amazing Japanese spirituality and philosophy.


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